Global NCD Framework: Fulfilling Commitments and Delivering Outcomes
The 2011 Political Declaration and resolutions at the World Health Assembly since then have helped facilitate a process to put in place the elements of a global NCD framework.
Three elements form the global NCD framework, and are all connected: the global monitoring framework, including nine global targets, are the vision for what we want to achieve by 2025; the Global NCD Action Plan 2013-2020 provides the roadmap for achieving that vision; and the global coordination mechanism (GCM) will mobilise multisectoral action and resources to implement the plan.
Global Monitoring Framework (GMF) for NCDs
In November 2012, Member States formally agreed a comprehensive set of nine global voluntary targets, including the landmark "25 by 25" mortality reduction target, and 25 indicators. These targets - a balance between prevention and treatment - herald new political vision, priority, and accountability for NCDs.
Click here to learn more about the GMF and targets.
Global Action Plan for NCDs 2013-2020 (GAP)
After a lengthy consultation process, the Global Action Plan for NCDs 2013-2020 (GAP) was formally agreed at the World Health Assembly in May 2013.
It has six objectives, and includes proposed actions for the WHO Secretariat, Member States, and International Partners (which includes NGOs/civil society).The GAP 2013-2020 provides a roadmap for action by all stakeholders to achieve the NCD targets and prevent and control NCDs at all levels.
Click here to read the final GAP 2013-2020
Global Coordination Mechanism for NCDs
The establishment of a mechanism to bring together all relevant stakeholders to coordinate joint action on NCDs is critical to deliver on the Global Action Plan 2013-2020, to reduce NCD deaths by 25% by 2025, and to fulfil the commitments made by Member States in the 2011 Political Declaration.
Click here to read more about the global coordination mechanism
Reporting Timelines
Accountability will be key in identifying progress and challenges faced by countries in addressing the high burden of NCDs. Click here to read a summary of NCD reporting.