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25 March 2025

Welcome to this week's NCDA newsletter! Today, we invite you to follow the Global Conference on Air Pollution and Health, taking place in Cartagena, Colombia, from 25 to 27 March. We are also delighted to announce that we will be hosting a webinar on the healthcare workforce on 2 April. Additionally, we present a new episode of the Voices of the Health Revolution podcast, new resources on nutrition and health, and much more. Read on!

NCDs at Second Global Conference on Air Pollution and Health

The Second Global Conference on Air Pollution and Health (25-27 March) kicks off today in Cartagena, Colombia, with NCDs on the agenda. The participants of the conference will witness the launch of a resounding call for urgent action to reduce air pollution and protect people’s health from its devastating impacts. In an unprecedented show of unity, more than 47 million health professionals, patients, advocates, representatives from civil society organisations, including NCD Alliance, and individuals worldwide have signed the call to action spearheaded by WHO. 

If you are on the ground, we invite you to join our side event , Keeping the Momentum on Air Quality: Ensuring Action on Air Pollution at the UN High-Level Meeting on NCDs and Mental Health, taking place on Friday, 28 March, at 9:00 in room 303. At the event, we will be exploring solutions to advance air quality action as part of national NCD, mental health, and climate plans.

During the event, NCD Alliance will launch the summary of its upcoming advocacy guide on air pollution for the fourth High-Level Meeting of the UN General Assembly on the Prevention and Control of NCDs and the Promotion of Mental Health and Well-being (HLM4). It aims to support civil society in making the case for the political prioritisation of air pollution as a critical NCD risk factor in their preparations for the HLM4 and its follow-up.

Register for in-person participation here.

For everyone following the conference remotely, we are happy to announce that the live stream will be available here

Meaningful engagement includes resources

In our new episode of the Voices of the Health Revolution, we’re speaking with Anu Gomanju and Edith Mukantwari, advocates for strengthening the global response to NCDs and both themselves living with NCDs. Anu works with the NCDI Poverty Network as well as patient and family organizations such as the Global Alliance for Rheumatic and Congenital Hearts, while Edith is Executive Director of the Africa Diabetes Alliance. Both our guests stress that the NCD response must move beyond treating people living with NCDs in a token way, to one of meeting their needs so they can live productive, healthy lives. This includes providing resources so that people living with NCDs can contribute meaningfully to preparations for the 4th High-Level meeting of the UN General Assembly on the prevention and control of NCDs and the promotion of mental health and well-being, in September this year.

Listen to the episode here or find it wherever you get your podcasts.

From Policy to Plate - Advocacy Guide

2025 is a turning point to advance the global nutrition policy agenda from a health perspective. It marks the end of the United Nations (UN) Decade of Action on Nutrition (2016-2025); the deadline for World Health Organization (WHO) targets for improving maternal, infant and young child nutrition, which are expected to be extended to 2030 at the 78th session of the World Health Assembly (WHA78); and the nutrition-related targets within WHO’s NCD Global Monitoring Framework, which is expected to be extended to 2050 through a separate process.

In addition, it is a year of major global health and nutrition events: the Paris Nutrition for Growth (N4G) Summit, the UN Food Systems Summit +4 Stocktake (UNFSS+4), the UN 4HLM, and the 30th Conference of the Parties of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC COP30).

In light of these upcoming opportunities, NCD Alliance is releasing an advocacy guide to guide advocacy and accountability efforts from civil society organisations (CSOs) and inform how they can mobilise other stakeholders in these food and nutrition policy processes to ensure food systems are effectively transformed and people are protected from diet-related NCD risks. 

You can download the document here. 

From Policy to Plate - A Collection of Case Studies

To supplement the From Policy to Plate advocacy guide, we have also developed a collection of case studies that explores the rationale used by selected countries to establish food and nutrition policies to protect the health of their populations, identifies the approaches used in doing so, and describes the key challenges and lessons learned, including from the civil society perspective. It provides civil society with a call to action and recommendations to advance diet-related NCD prevention in the context of 2025, a year of major global health and nutrition events.

Download the collection here.

WEBINAR: Staffed, Skilled, Supported and Sustainably Financed

On 2 April, 14:30, NCD Alliance is organising this webinar Staffed, Skilled, Supported and Sustainably Financed: Charting the course for an optimised health and care workforce for NCDs by 2030 and beyond. Taking  place during the World Health Worker Week (1 - 7 April) and in the lead-up to the Fourth UN High-Level Meeting on NCDs and Mental Health (September 2025), the event will aim to promote actionable solutions for building a resilient, well-equipped, and sustainable global health workforce capable of addressing the needs of NCD prevention, management, and care.  

Additionally, NCDA has developed a report on the intersection of the health workforce and NCDs, which will be launched during the webinar. The report builds on NCDA’s previous publication, Protecting Populations, Preserving Futures, and provides an overview of global developments, challenges and opportunities associated with optimising the health and care workforce to address NCDs. 

Register now. 

Registration for the multistakeholder hearing for HLM4 is closing on 31 March

A multistakeholder hearing (MSH) to collect input from a broad range of participants including civil society and relevant private sector entities will precede the HLM4. It will take place on 2 May, followed by HLM4 on 25 September. The MSH will include two panels:

•    Panel 1: Tackling the determinants of noncommunicable diseases and mental health and well-being through multisectoral and effective governance and collaborative action
•    Panel 2: Reshaping and strengthening health systems and all forms of financing to meet the needs of people living with and at risk of noncommunicable diseases and mental health conditions.

Online registration for the MSH has opened. Both meetings are expected to be broadcast on; for those joining the MSH in person, there will be an opportunity to deliver statements from the floor.

Please note that ECOSOC accreditation is not required to participate in the HSM.

Learn more and register for the MSH by 31 March.

AstraZeneca Young Health Programme Impact Fellowship | 2025

Are you a passionate young leader actively involved in advocating for greater health equity within your community? AstraZeneca is looking for passionate, driven young leaders to join their 2025 Young Health Programme (YHP) Impact Fellowship. This Fellowship focuses on supporting young advocates to create actionable change relating to health equity in their communities by providing funding, learning and development opportunities, and participation in the One Young World Summit. Selected Fellows will be awarded a fully-funded One Young World Scholarship to attend the 2025 Summit in Munich, Germany, a US $10,000 grant (or US $50,000 if chosen as a Lead2030 Challenge* winner) to implement a project through their eligible non-profit organisation. In addition, they will gain exclusive leadership opportunities designed to support their personal and professional growth.

Check out the details here.

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