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  • New policy brief on climate change and NCDs launched today

    Announcements  |  31st March 2016

    We are pleased to announce that today we have launched a joint policy brief with the Global Climate and Health Alliance on climate change and NCDs.

  • Measuring Universal Health Coverage

    Announcements  |  30th March 2016

    More than 300 organisations including NGOs, academic institutions, foundations and patients groups have reacted with alarm at a last minute proposed change to the indicator used to measure financial protection for health under the new Sustainable Development Goals.

  • 2030 Agenda: Follow-up and review

    Announcements  |  29th March 2016

    In September 2015 the United Nations General Assembly adopted the 2030 Agenda. Find here an update on several ongoing processes at the UN in New York.

  • 60th Commission on the Status of Women

    Announcements  |  23rd March 2016

    The 60th Session of the Commission on the Status of Women concluded today. Draft agreed conclusions can be found here.

  • Tobacco control and the human right to health

    Announcements  |  23rd March 2016

    The Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) will held on 5 April, in Washington DC, a thematic hearing to discuss the issue of the tobacco epidemic in the Americas as a human rights problem.

  • IDF welcomes UK announcement on soda tax from 2018

    Announcements  |  21st March 2016

    The government of the UK now joins countries such as Mexico, France, Norway and South Africa in the taxation of sugar-sweetened beverages.  

  • Looking for cutting edge NCD analysis? Our March 2016 webinar is online now

    Announcements  |  17th March 2016

    Did you miss our March 2016 webinar? Video & pdf of slides are available here. Presentations include multi-sectoral coordination mechanisms in South-East Asia and national NCD commissions in the Caribbean.

  • Access to medicines

    High-level Panel on Access to Medicines

    Announcements  |  15th March 2016

    The UN Secretary General’s High-Level Panel on Access to Medicines held an open contribution period for submissions addressing issues affecting innovation and access to health technologies.