After two years of consultations, WHO Member States adopted the terms of reference of the Global Coordination Mechanism for NCDs (GCM/NCD) at the 67th World Health Assembly in May 2014.
The terms of reference lays out the following:
Purpose and scope: “To facilitate and enhance coordination of activities, multi-stakeholder engagement and action across sectors at the local, national, regional and global levels, in order to contribute to the implementation of the WHO Global NCD Action Plan 2013-2020.”
Functions: The functions of the GCM/NCD were developed in accordance with the WHO Global NCD Action Plan, and include:
1) Raising awareness and advocating for the inclusion of NCDs in the international development and post-2015 development agendas, as well as necessary and timely implementation of the Action Plan
2) Disseminating knowledge and sharing information of best practice and scientific evidence surrounding health promotion, prevention, control and surveillance of NCDs
3) Provide a forum to identify barriers and share innovative solutions
4) Advance multisectoral action by recognizing and supporting sustainable actions from varying sectors
5) Identifying and sharing information on existing and potential sources of finance and cooperation mechanisms at local, national, regional, and global levels
Participants: The GCM/NCD is led by Member States. Other participants include UN entities, other relevant intergovernmental organizations, and non-state actors, including NGOs and private sector. More information on how to become a GCM/NCD participant can be found here.
Structure: Member States provide oversight and guidance to the GCM/NCD through the WHO governing bodies, as well as through periodic consultations organized by the WHO Secretariat. National NCD focal points facilitate coordination and exchange of information. The GCM/NCD is run by a small Secretariat housed within WHO and collaborates with the UN Task Force on NCDs and individual UN agencies.
Lifespan: The GCM has a lifespan of 2014-2021 (aligned with the WHO Global NCD Action Plan 2013-2020), with a preliminary evaluation in 2017, and a final evaluation to assess its continuing relevance in 2021.
The terms of reference of the GCM/NCD can be accessed here.
The work plan of the GCM/NCD can be accessed here.
Working Groups
1. A Working Group on how to realize governments’ commitments to engage with the private sector for the prevention and control of NCDs has been set up and will produce a set of recommendations by the end of 2015. The working group met for the first time on 18-19 February. A meeting summary will be published here. The next working group meeting is planned for June and will include a segment inviting presentations from non-state actors, including NGOs, academia and the private sector.
2. A Working Group on how to realize governments’ commitment to provide financing for NCDs has been set up and will produce a set of recommendations by the end of 2015. The working group met for the first time on 23-24 February. A meeting summary will be published here.
GCM/NCD Dialogues
On 20-21 April the WHO GCM/NCD will conduct a dialogue for its participants on how to encourage the continued inclusion of NCDs in development cooperation agendas and initiatives, internationally agreed development goals, economic development policies, sustainable development frameworks and poverty reduction strategies. Read more
Useful GCM/NCD references on NCDs, poverty and development can be accessed here.
A second dialogue on on how to strengthen international cooperation on the prevention and control of NCDs within the framework of North–South, South–South and triangular cooperation will take place on 2 November. Read more