WHO Executive Board: 134th Session

The 134th Session of the World Health Organization (WHO) Executive Board (EB) took place 20-24 January 2014, at WHO Headquarters in Geneva.

On the agenda for this session were many items of critical importance for the NCD community. Some priority agenda items include: 

  • Follow-up to the UN Political Declaration on NCDs
  • Maternal, infant, and young child nutrition
  • Disability draft action plan
  • WHO Reform
  • Promoting health throughout the life course (including health in post-2015)
  • Health systems (including palliative care)

All official EB documents can be accessed here, including the reports and resolutions on the above items.

EB134 advocacy brief

To support our network in our advocacy with Member States at the 134th EB, the NCD Alliance developed a 2-page brief covering the main issues up for discussion. This includes the global coordination mechanism for NCDs (GCM), the 2014 UN NCD Review, and the inclusion of NCDs in the post-2015 development agenda.

Click here to download the advocacy brief.

Photo credit: UN Photo/Eskinder Debebe