NCD Alliance / Resources / Civil Society Resource Library
Civil Society Resource Library
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Discover practical tools to inform & inspire you.
ACT Health Promotion launched the Civil Society NCD Status Report for Brazil on April 9th at the 4th Intersectorial Forum on the Fight Against NCDs organised by the Public Health Institute. The report was supported through NCD Alliance’s NCD Advocacy Institute Accelerator Programme and is intended to stimulate government and relevant stakeholder action on NCDs.
This Advocacy Agenda of PLWNCDs in Mexico is the result of broad consultative processes during 2017 and 2018 involving dozens of people living with NCDs in Mexico City, representing diverse conditions, along with multiple stakeholders engaged in the NCD response in the country.
Tunis, 4 March 2019 - A new interactive map launched today, on International HPV Awareness Day, shows the growing burden of HPV and cervical cancer in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region.
The EANCDA promotes regional cooperation between the NCD Alliances of Burundi, Kenya, Rwanda, Tanzania, Uganda and Zanzibar to provide a coordinated platform for addressing NCDs at sub-national, national and sub-regional levels.
Regional consultation for the Establishment of an African Civil Society network and Development of a Regional Implementation Framework for the Prevention and Control of Noncommunicable Diseases (NCDs) Port Louis, Mauritius.
Mapping of NCD Civil Society Organisations in the WHO African Region.
The Atlas documents 38 case studies and programmes on a broad range of issues relating to access, awareness, accountability and advocacy, collected from national and regional NCD alliances around the world.
The development of the Healthy Caribbean Coalition’s (HCC’s) Civil Society Action Plan 2017-2021: Preventing Childhood Obesity in the Caribbean is a further step in fulfilling HCC’s mission “to harness the power of civil society, in collaboration with government, academia, international partners, and private sector, as appropriate, in the development and implementation of plans for the prevention and management of chronic noncommunicable diseases among Caribbean people”.