NCD Alliance / Resources / Publications & Multimedia

Publications & Multimedia

Find all the NCD Alliance publications and the most recent global data on NCDs.

This section includes the latest NCD Alliance publications, such as policy briefs and analysis, progress tracking and advocacy toolkits, and our annual reports.

Publications & Multimedia

  • Case study: Advocating for Sugar-Sweetened Beverage Taxation in Mexico

    Case study: Advocating for Sugar-Sweetened Beverage Taxation in Mexico

    Analysis, Commentary & Opinion
    (10.44MB)  |  18th June 2015

    As one of the first countries to pass a tax on SSBs, Mexico’s experience provides key lessons for advocates interested in pursuing policy change in cities, states, and countries around the world. A case study was conducted to explore the strategies of SSB tax proponents and opponents leading up to the passage of the 2013 tax in Mexico.

  • Roundtable: NCDs and women, children and adolescent health

    Roundtable: NCDs and women, children and adolescent health

    Analysis, Commentary & Opinion
    (1.44MB)  |  24th May 2015

    NCDs and Women, Children and Adolescent Health: A shared Agenda. A life course approach to the updated Global Strategy for Women’s, Children’s, and Adolescents' Health.

  • Guía para la incidencia política: Las enfermedades crónicas no transmisibles en la agenda de desarrollo post-2015

    Guía para la incidencia política: Las enfermedades crónicas no transmisibles en la agenda de desarrollo post-2015

    Analysis, Commentary & Opinion
     |  15th March 2015

    La Guía para la Incidencia Política de la Alianza de ENT ya está disponible en español. Tiene como objetivo facilitar a los miembros de nuestra red la información clave para comprender los procesos de formulación de la agenda de desarrollo post-2015; articular la posición de las ENT y la salud en el marco posterior al año 2015; y llevar adelante acciones con impacto.

  • ICN2: Civil Society Declaration on Nutrition

    ICN2: Civil Society Declaration on Nutrition

    Analysis, Commentary & Opinion
    (139.25kB)  |  21st November 2014

    Public Interest Civil Society Organisations' and Social Movements' Forum Declaration to the Second International Conference on Nutrition (ICN2).

  • NCD Alliance Statement at WHO Europe Ministerial Conference on NCDs in Turkmenistan

    NCD Alliance Statement at WHO Europe Ministerial Conference on NCDs in Turkmenistan

    Analysis, Commentary & Opinion
     |  15th December 2013

    Five areas of action recommended that would help support the implementation of the Ashgabat Declaration by WHO EURO Member States.

  • Respiratory diseases in the world

    Respiratory diseases in the world

    Analysis, Commentary & Opinion
     |  04th November 2013

    In this report, the European Respiratory Society, on behalf of the Forum of International Respiratory Societies, provides an overview of the 'Big 5' respiratory diseases (COPD, asthma, acute respiratory infections, tuberculosis, and lung cancer), and recommendations to combat them.

  • World Research Cancer Fund Statement to the WHO European Ministerial Conference on Nutrition and  Non-Communicable Diseases-NCD Alliance signatory

    World Research Cancer Fund Statement to the WHO European Ministerial Conference on Nutrition and Non-Communicable Diseases-NCD Alliance signatory

    Analysis, Commentary & Opinion
    (174.97kB)  |  04th July 2013

    The NCD Alliance with 6 other organisations supported a joint statement delivered by the World Cancer Research Fund, to the WHO European Ministerial Conference on Nutrition and Non-Communicable Diseases in July 2013. It noted highlights and achievements, and set out three key recommendations for Member States: - Ensure a healthier media environment for our children; - Create a healthy food environment in schools; - Improve the quality of the food supply.

  • Embedding non-communicable diseases in the post-2015 development agenda

    Embedding non-communicable diseases in the post-2015 development agenda

    Analysis, Commentary & Opinion
     |  12th February 2013

    The post-2015 development agenda will build on the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), in which health is a core component. This agenda will focus on human development, incorporate the components of the Millennium Declaration, and will be made sustainable by support from the social, economic, and environmental domains of activity, represented graphically as the strands of a triple helix... (Alleyne, Binagwaho, Haines, Jahan, Nugent, Rojhani, & Stuckler, The Lancet Non-Communicable Diseases Series 2013)