The International Association for the Study of Obesity

Submission by The International Association for the Study of Obesity

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The International Association for the Study of Obesity (IASO) and its International Obesity TaskForce (IOTF) request governments to commit to obesity prevention while supporting sustainable development through food and nutrition polices.

The evidence shows:

• Good nutrition protects against NCDs caused by other risk factors such as alcohol and tobacco. Poor nutrition is a direct cause of NCDs and also promotes NCDs induced by other risk factors.

• A life course approach to NCD prevention ensures that policies and actions benefit people of all ages and life stages, especially the most vulnerable. Attention to nutrition early in life, during pregnancy and young childhood, will also help reduce the growing burden of NCDs.

• What is good for health is also good for the environment and the economy. Good nutrition from sustainable food sources can simultaneously improve household prosperity (achieving MDGs), reduce climate change and enhance economic development.

• Food and nutrition security, like climate change, depends on multiple cross‐sectoral policies. NCDs will be reduced most effectively through a ‘Health in All Policies’ approach.

• Governments can implement policies to prevent NCDs and can ensure the provision of affordable nutrient‐rich fresh foods (especially foods low in saturated and trans fats, sugars and salt) along with the skills and knowledge to help individuals make healthy choices.

Full paper available in attached PDF.