Timeline for WHO Priority Setting Process

Timeline for Priority Setting Process:

27–28 February 2012: meeting is held to advance the work of the Member State-driven process on methods for programmes and priority-setting.

May 2012: the draft outline of the Twelfth General Programme of Work 2014–2019 is submitted for review and discussion to the Programme, Budget and Administration Committee at its sixteenth meeting and the Sixty-fifth World Health Assembly.

End August – mid-October 2012: the regional committees review the draft Twelfth General Programme of Work 2014–2019 and the draft Proposed programme budget 2014–2015. Input from Member States informs further development of these documents.

Mid-August – mid-October 2012: a web consultation is held on the draft Twelfth General Programme of Work 2014–2019 to solicit input and comments from a wider group of stakeholders.

End November/early December 2012: if the Executive Board approves the change in timing, the Programme, Budget and Administration Committee at its seventeenth meeting could review the revised draft Twelfth General Programme of Work 2014–2019 following review by the regional committees and the web consultation; and the revised draft Proposed programme budget 2014–2015 incorporating input from the regional committees.

January/February 2013: the Executive Board at its 132nd session reviews and comments on the draft Twelfth General Programme of Work 2014–2019 and the draft Proposed programme budget 2014–2015.

May 2013: the draft Twelfth General Programme of Work 2014–2019 and draft Proposed programme budget 2014–2015, incorporating comments from the Executive Board, are submitted to the Sixty-sixth World Health Assembly through the Programme, Budget and Administration Committee at its eighteenth meeting.