UN Interagency Task Force on the Prevention and Control of NCDs
A July 2013 ECOSOC resolution formally established the UN Interagency Task Force on the Prevention and Control of NCDs by expanding the mandate of the existing UN Ad Hoc Interagency Task Force on Tobacco Control. This Task Force coordinates the activities of relevant United Nations funds, programmes and specialized agencies and other intergovernmental organizations, to support the realization of the commitments made in the UN Political Declaration on NCDs, in particular through the implementation of the WHO Global NCD Action Plan 2013-2020. It is convened and led by WHO, and reports to ECOSOC through the UN Secretary General.
The United Nations Economic and Social Council, at its Substantive Session in June 2014, endorsed the terms of reference of the UN Task Force, including a division of tasks and responsibilities, as outlined here.
Click here to read the UN Task Force on NCDs Workplan for 2014-2015
Click here for the UN TF WHO website
UN Task Force Programmes and NCD Alliance Engagement
UNICEF: A new chapter on NCD prevention is being developed for the flagship UN publication Facts for Life. Facts for Life is one of the world’s most widely read books, with simple and practical messages on childhood and adolescent health to stimulate behavior change, guide community action and influence decision makers. The NCD chapter is being developed by UNICEF, in collaboration with other UN agencies and civil society partners- including NCD Child and the NCD Alliance. In March 2014, the NCD Alliance participated in a technical consultation on the chapter hosted by NCD Child and UNICEF in Trinidad and Tobago. This consultation is part of a longer-term civil society consultation on the chapter led by NCD Child.
“By updating “Facts for Life” with information about NCDs, ordinary people the world over will have access to vital information they need about preventing NCDs in children and adolescents, as well as non-technical information about diagnosis and treatment.” –Dr Nicholas Alipui, Director of Programmes, UNICEF
UN Development Programme (UNDP): A second joint letter from UNDP Administrator Helen Clark and WHO Director-General Margaret Chan was issued in March 2014 to all UN Resident Coordinators, reiterating the call to integrate NCDs in UN Development Assistance Framework (UNDAF) design processes and implementation. To guide this integration, UNDP launched new discussion papers on Addressing the Social Determinants of NCDs and Development Planning and Tobacco Control. The NCD Alliance is collaborating with UNDP on a webinar orientation series for all UNDP staff on NCDs, and supporting integration of NCDs into UNDAFs at the country level.
“Global leadership on health lies with the World Health Organization, but development actors like UNDP can offer important support for building capacities in-country for stronger health systems and for multisectoral approaches to addressing major health challenges.”- Ms Helen Clark, Administrator, UNDP
WHO and International Telecommunication Union (ITU): ITU and WHO launched a new partnership- Be Health, Be Mobile- to focus on the use of mobile technology to improve NCD prevention and control. In April 2014 the NCD Alliance became the first NCD civil society partner of the initiative. The NCD Alliance will contribute technical and advocacy expertise, as well as country-level support in implementation.
“Non-communicable diseases are the single greatest factor contributing to mortality and the overall disease burden in developed countries and emerging economies alike. Where m-Health is concerned, ITU works with WHO to share our long-standing experience and our competence win mobile technologies and healthcare as well as our network of partners. We are truly excited about the potential of this new partnership with the NCD Alliance to help us accelerate the adoption of mobile health interventions worldwide.” –Dr Hamadoun I. Touré, Secretary-General, ITU