World Obesity Federation

World Obesity is a member organisation with over 65 national and regional associations. Our mission is to lead and drive global efforts to reduce, prevent and treat obesity.

We believe that with obesity being a leading contributor to many NCDs - it is important that obesity is recognised and treated in it's own right to improve the health outcomes of individuals as well as reducing pressure on health systems by preventing subsequent impact from the likes of cardiovascular disease, diabetes and cancer.

NCDA supporter & full member

About World Obesity Federation

World Obesity Federation represents professional members of the scientific, medical and research communities from over 50 regional and national obesity associations. Through our membership we create a global community of organisations dedicated to solving the problems of obesity.

Obesity and NCDs

By 2025, 2.7 billion adults are expected to be overweight or suffer from obesity and the global medical bill to treat the consequences is estimated to rise to $1.2 trillion. As such, we believe that actions to prevent, manage and treat obesity throughout the life course are of the upmost importance for helping to achieve the NCD targets. This needs to start with the recognition that obesity is not only a risk factor for NCDs, but a disease in its own right which needs urgent attention at the forthcoming High-level Meeting and within national responses to address NCDs.


Charles Darwin House
107 Grays Inn Road
London WC1 X8TZ
United Kingdom


