The first activity of the Jordan Non-Communicable Disease Alliance (JNCDA), launched in early April 2017, was a one-day Health Festival in Aqaba city on April 8, 2017. The first alliance of its kind to be established in Jordan, the JNCDA aims to promote practical solutions for the prevention and management of NCDs in the country, the rate of which has been accelerating in recent years.
The festival was hosted under the patronage of the Chairman of the Aqaba Economic Zone Authority as part of a collaborative effort organized by JNCDA members and other local NGOs. It aimed to involve the local community to promote healthy lifestyles.
On the day, health booths offered visitors free tests measuring blood pressure, blood sugar, BMI, body fat, and Carbon Monoxide levels for smokers. As a result of these activities, 25 people discovered they were diabetic, 30 hypertensive, and 100 overweight. Vision tests were also carried out for 200 persons, with eye glasses prescribed to those who needed them.
Clinical screening for early detection, support, and counselling for breast cancer patients and survivors was also provided. Early breast cancer detection was carried out for 43 women, out of which 15 cases were referred for further examinations. As part of promoting healthy life styles, an evening walk was carried out to conclude the morning's activities.
The JNCDA is a national coalition of six non-profit organizations: EMPHNET, the Royal Health Awareness Society, the Jordan Health Alliance, Alwaed Society for Advocacy and Survivorship, the Lina and Green Hands Society, and the Jordan Health Society. To read more about the JNCDA and its activities please visit https://goo.gl/9XrYJi [1].