The NCD Alliance and The Partnership for Maternal, Newborn & Child Health (PMNCH [1]) hosted on 20 May an early morning roundtable discussion [2] with more than 20 delegates ahead of the start of day three of the 68th World Health Assembly.
Richard Horton, editor- in- chief of The Lancet, moderating the discussions, welcomed the high-level group of participants representing governments, UN agencies, civil society, academia, as well as selected private sector.
United in a collective goal of forging a shared agenda on NCDs and Women’s, Children’s and Adolescents’ Health, the discussions centered firmly on promoting a life course approach in the updated Global Strategy and ensuring it addresses NCDs and shared risk factors.
Ms Katie Dain, NCD Alliance Executive Director, picked up on the theme of overlap between NCDs and MCH by pointing to evidence that maternal and child health is related to risk behavior developed during adolescence and that maternal health is also strongly affected by NCDs.
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