2025 UNSG report on NCDs - A red alert in the NCD response
A new report from the UN Secretary General confirms that the world is massively off track in the prevention and control of NCDs, the leading cause of death and disability worldwide, and calls for urgent action on financing and other key policy interventions.
Policy Briefs

1 March, 2025
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Volunteer takes man's blood pressure at Kigali Car Free Day, Rwanda ©NCD Alliance
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This brief provides an analysis of the UNSG report based on NCDA’s policy priorities for the fourth High-level Meeting of the General Assembly on the prevention and control of noncommunicable diseases and the promotion on mental health and well-being (HLM4), as well as resources for advocates to join the Time to Lead campaign in the lead up to the HLM4, taking place on 25 September 2025, in New York.
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HLM4 [2]