Our 2018 Annual Report reflects on a momentous year for noncommunicable diseases (NCDs) and the NCD Alliance. Against a challenging landscape of deepening inequities, political instability and a spiralling environmental crisis, NCDs were elevated into the political spotlight, largely thanks to momentum around the third UN High-level Meeting (HLM).
NCDA was at the forefront of efforts to ensure the success of the HLM – and led civil society mobilisation and advocacy, with unprecedented engagement with our growing network of alliances, members, supporters and partners, people living with NCDs and UN agency colleagues.
2018 was a year of great political momentum, and it was also a critical year of growth and organisational development for the NCD Alliance. This year marked our first full year as a formal NGO, having shifted from an informal alliance mid-way through 2017. As part of this process, we were excited to launch our new NCDA membership model in 2018, opening up new avenues for cooperation and collaboration.
The 2018 annual report provides a snapshot of the activities and achievements of NCDA and our extensive constituency. It also includes a summary of financial statements. The report serves as a testament and heartfelt thank you to our community as we move ever closer towards meeting our common goal: to reduce the NCD burden for people everywhere.
Click on the image below to download it.