It has been an exciting year for NCD Alliance communications, with the launch of our refreshed website and several new features which have presented the work of NCD Alliance and its network in a dynamic, regularly updated, vibrant format.
One of the most welcome features introduced was the NCD Alliance blog, an editorial style platform for members of our network to disseminate messages on current issues and advances in NCD prevention and control around the world. Our blog is one of the most read sections of our website and also generates discussion and engagement on social media.
Through the blog we are reaching new and diverse audiences, triggering fresh discussion and debate, and promoting exchange between the NCD and wider development community where priorities intertwine. It has provided opportunities for sharing perspectives, achievements, challenges, milestones, and calls to action - all showing that the experiences of those living with and addressing challenges and needs relating to NCDs are similar across the world, but each unique insight shows the importance of sharing and listening. We have linked below to a sample of some of our most read blogs.
The NCD Alliance blog is only as good as its contributions, and for that we thank everyone who has contributed to it during 2016. We look forward to publishing even more diverse insights from the world of NCD prevention and control throughout 2017, and invite you to consider bringing your voice to our global platform. Please don't hesitate to contact us if you would like to author a blog. We have capacity to translate pieces submitted in French or Spanish into English, and look forward to sharing more blogs translated for our Spanish and French readers.
You can look forward to even further enhancements in 2017, which will support the big plans we have to drive forward our Capacity Development, Advocacy and Knowledge Exchange efforts, and will culminate in the 2nd Global NCD Alliance Forum in December.
Health organisations: "Be the change you want to see in the world"
"If we do not lead by example, we are open to the charge of hypocrisy. And who gives credence to the advice of hypocrites?" - Terry Slevin [1]
Public health sequestered for 50 years by sugar industry / Secuestran por 50 años la salud pública
"The practice of buying science and determining public policy has been continued to the present day by the sugar industry, but particularly by the soft drinks industry, which is responsible for the greatest amount of sugar consumed by the population". - Alejandro Calvillo [2]
What's in it for me? Helping non-health sectors understand how NCDs impact them
"In the 1990s a series of multisectoral advocacy and technical briefs began to change government responses to another complex health and development challenge – HIV/AIDS. Can these new ones do the same for NCDs?" - Roy Small [3]
Thoughts, hopes, fears & expectations on end of life care with Alzheimer's disease
"We all wish for a peaceful and dignified death, but not everyone will get it." - Edie Mayhew [4]
Patients and people at the heart of health
“The NCD community has an opportunity – perhaps a once-in-a generation moment - to address the fragmentation of the health systems and offer joined-up solutions with people at the centre.” - Johanna Ralston [5]
If you find yourself with a spare half hour over the coming weeks, we encourage you to scan through [6] our blog series [7] and read something new; you never know how a fresh insight might inspire and lead you into a more collaborative year making progress on prevention and control of NCDs.