NCD Alliance leads global civil society advocacy to fulfill political commitments on NCD prevention and control.
Our advocacy is underpinned by the recognition that NCD-related issues are also urgent economic and social justice issues of our generation.

NCD Alliance continues to lead and coordinate global advocacy efforts to maintain political momentum and action, and sustain focus on NCDs.
Addressing NCDs in the era of sustainable development demands both a scaling up and transforming of advocacy efforts. The successful inclusion of NCDs in the SDGs demands sustained advocacy to ensure health remains central to national governments’ priorities, and tangible wins are secured for NCD prevention and control. Our advocacy recognizes NCDs as both an economic and a social justice issue, and also extends beyond health, joining forces with partners across a range of sectors that impact upon NCDs, such as agriculture, finance, cities, gender and environment.
The NCD Alliance’s advocacy activities seek to ensure that WHO and UN commitments to improve the lives of people with NCDs and those at risk are followed-up and implemented at regional, national and local community levels.
NCD Alliance:
- Is the leading civil society voice for NCDs in relevant WHO and UN processes, ensuring strong civil society engagement throughout the response and investment in NCD civil society as a global public good;
- Supports action on NCDs within the 2030 Agenda at global, regional, and national levels, including through building synergies with other health areas (e.g. HIV/AIDS, RMNCAH), leveraging universal health coverage (UHC), and promoting the cross-cutting relevance of NCDs to other sustainable development priorities;
- Supports the delivery of WHO and UN commitments as related to the UN Political Declarations, the Global NCD Action Plan 2013-2020, the Global Monitoring Framework for NCDs, the Global Coordination Mechanism (GCM), and the 2018 UN High-Level NCD Review;
- Advocates to mobilise sustained multilateral, bilateral and domestic resources for NCD prevention, care and treatment, including through integrating NCDs into development cooperation plans and agreements, and improving the tracking of resource allocation for NCDs;
- Elevates the visibility of NCDs within global political processes and external fora, including health and non-health related UN summits, the G7, and others.
Progress must be accelerated on all fronts over the next five years if the “25 by 25” NCD targets are to be met.
An important milestone for political momentum will be the UN High-Level Review on NCDs in 2018, which provides a crucial opportunity to take stock on progress at global and national levels, commend successes, and redouble efforts where we are collectively falling short.
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Bridging the Gap - NCD Civil Society Compass