Check out our NCD programme at World Cancer Congress 2014

20 novembre 2014

Non-communicable diseases (NCDs) will play an important part of the programme of the upcoming 2014 World Cancer Congress, with a suite of plenaries, sessions and side events that are of relevance to the wider NCD community beyond cancer.

Our Programme includes the following sessions:

1-Health in the post-2015 development agenda: Investing in NCDs for a healthy future for all

2-Connect and discuss with NCD experts

3-A shared commitment: The need for a multisectoral response to NCDs

4-Strengthening the NCD civil society movement: Lessons learnt from local NCD alliances

5-Putting integration into practice: Leveraging existing health service delivery and financing
for NCDs

6-Connect and discuss with NCD experts

7-Innovation for action on NCDs: How Data and Mobiles Can Help the Developing World

8-Promoting a patient-centred approach for NCDs: Solutions to engage people in the NCD

In addition, NCD Alliance supporters are hosting the NCD Cafe, which offers eight interactive sessions discussions throughout the duration of the Congress.

Download the NCD Programme here and learn more about the NCD Café here

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