South Africa NCD Alliance: Kopano Draft Resolutions available online

24 novembre 2014

As part of NCD Alliance Program ‘Strengthening Health Systems, Supporting NCD Action’, the South Africa NCD Alliance held a meeting last week in Johannesberg, entitled NCDs Health Systems Strengthening Kopano. The meeting engaged over 90 stakeholders from a range of sectors.

The meeting took place in Johannesburg and engaged patient advocacy groups, civil society, national and provincial health department officials, trade and professional associations, researchers, and others.

The meeting aimed to explore the way in which patient advocates /civil society groups can work with governments (national and provincial); to outline a plan of action for collaboration for the next 3 years; to ensure that NCDs are prioritised in across government and all of society.

NCDs Health Systems Strengthening Kopano discussed four areas identified in the South African Civil Society NCD Status Report:

- NCD integration at primary healthcare level
- Multisectoral collaboration
- Healthcare personnel training and mobilisation
- Financing for NCDs

See Draft Resolutions here. Deadline to send comments: 28 November 2014

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