MoH Jonas Gahrs Store launched the NCD strategy with the NCD alliance. From left: Lisbet Rugtvedt Secretary General of the NorwegianHealth Association; Anne Lise Ryel, Secretary General of the Norwegian Cancer Society, MoH Jonas Gahr Støre, Nina Skille, Secretary General of the Norwegian Diabetes Association and Frode Jahren, Secretary General of The Norwegian Heart and Lung Patient Organization (MoH).

From our National NCD Alliance in Norway-

-  Non communicable lifestyle diseases are the greatest health challenge of our time, both in Norway and globally. These illnesses can often be prevented. We have to do better in prevention, early detection and promoting health across all sectors of society, Minister of Health Jonas Gahr Støre commented

100 years ago communicable diseases were the main causes of premature death. Poverty was the major risk factor. Today 80 % of Norwegians die from NCDs, many prematurely. The majorrisk factors are tobacco, alcohol, sugar, fat and physical inactivity.
Norway has committed to reduce premature deaths from NCDs by 25 % by 2025. These illnesses share many causes and risk factors. That is why we need to address NCDs with a comprehensive strategy.

-  With this NCD-strategy, Norway is the first country to meet its WHO obligations with a consolidated effort to prevent and treat NCDs, Støre said.
The strategy is prepared in close dialogue with the Norwegian NCD-Alliance comprising of Norwegian Diabetes Association, the Norwegian Cancer Society, The Norwegian Heart and Lung Patient Organization and Norwegian Health Association. The work will be followed up by the Alliance.

A public health advisory Board, chaired by the Minister of Health is established to attract political attention and cross sectorial support for the strategy.

I appreciate the close cooperation we have had with the NCD Alliance on this Strategy. We need to take the greatest epidemic of our time seriously. Too many will die prematurely if we do not direct our attention to prevention and treatment of NCDs. To succeed we  depend on close cooperation with civil society, Støre commented.

It means that the work that our organizations have done in this particular field is recognized. It will be noticed that Norway was the first country to follow up the obligations to WHO and to prepare a joint strategy on NCDs, said spokesperson from the NCD Alliance.