World Cancer Congress 2014: Don't miss The NCD Café!

25 novembre 2014

Are you attending World Cancer Congress 2014?

With the increasing importance given to NCDs worldwide, you would not want to miss the latest fresh perspective from frontline health professionals, policymakers, technologists, philosophers and business people on how to address chronic disease challenges.

The NCD Café Program for the World Cancer Congress 2014 welcomes you for a coffee or healthy snack whilst providing a unique space for interactive sessions on NCDs, with a focus on integration, partnerships and multidisciplinary experiences in low and middle-income countries.

The NCD Café is one feature of a broader NCD Programme, which will address cancer within the broader NCD context with a suite of plenaries, sessions and side events that are of relevance to the wider NCD community beyond cancer.

Click here to see the program for the NCD Café and here for more information on the broader NCD Programme

