New policy brief on NCD co-morbidities: spotlight on osteoporosis

Tue, 12/06/2016

NCDs share common risk factors and challenges in care, and can be effectively addressed through an integrated response. In the first policy brief of a new series, NCDA and IOF focus on reasons for increased prevalence of osteoporosis in people living with other NCDs.

Bangkok Declaration on Physical Activity for Global Health and Sustainable Development launched

Tue, 12/06/2016

New position statement on the importance of physical activity for global health, the prevention of NCDs and how the co benefits of population based actions on physical activity can contribute to achieving eight SDGs.

Michael Bloomberg’s extraordinary contribution of nearly a billion dollars to tobacco control

Tue, 12/06/2016

Vital Strategies hailed the decision by Michael Bloomberg to pledge $360 million to fighting the global tobacco epidemic. This is an extraordinary contribution to combat the primary cause of preventable illness and premature death, of our time.

International Day of Persons with Disabilities

Fri, 12/02/2016

3rd December marks the International Day of Persons with Disabilities (IDPD). WHO is joining with other United Nations agencies and civil society organisations to celebrate "a day for all".

UHC Day 2016 campaign call to act with ambition

Thu, 12/01/2016

On 12 December 2016 a global coalition of more than 750 organisations in 110 countries will call for greater action and progress on delivering Universal Health Coverage.

AVMSD: Protecting children from exposure to unhealthy marketing

Thu, 12/01/2016

The revision of the European Directive about audiovisual services provides an opportunity to minimise the adverse impact of unhealthy commercial marketing, especially on young people.

New WHO NCD MAP to guide policy-makers in the creation & implementation of multisectoral NCD plans

Wed, 11/30/2016

The WHO has released a new web-based tool to guide policy-makers and practitioners through the process of developing, implementing, and monitoring national multisectoral NCD plans.

Patients and people at the heart of health

Johanna Ralston's call to the NCD community: now exists an opportunity – perhaps a once-in-a generation moment - to address the fragmentation of the health systems and offer joined-up solutions with people at the centre.


Report cards on physical activity for children and youth confirm global inactivity crisis

Wed, 11/23/2016

Comparisons across 38 countries from 6 continents confirm global childhood inactivity crisis and offer insights for improvement.
