Tobacco addiction and the right to health

Sat, 04/02/2016

For the first time, the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights takes up tobacco use as a human rights issue during a hearing on Tuesday, April 5, 2016 in Washington DC.

New policy brief on climate change and NCDs launched today

Thu, 03/31/2016

We are pleased to announce that today we have launched a joint policy brief with the Global Climate and Health Alliance on climate change and NCDs.

Success for public health at Paris climate talks – Now where is health at Habitat III?

Read our new guest blog on why climate change, urbanisation, and NCDs are inextricably linked. By Isobel Braithwaite (Global Climate and Health Alliance) and Jessica Beagley (NCD Alliance).


Measuring Universal Health Coverage

Wed, 03/30/2016

More than 300 organisations including NGOs, academic institutions, foundations and patients groups have reacted with alarm at a last minute proposed change to the indicator used to measure financial protection for health under the new Sustainable Development Goals.

2030 Agenda: Follow-up and review

Tue, 03/29/2016

In September 2015 the United Nations General Assembly adopted the 2030 Agenda. Find here an update on several ongoing processes at the UN in New York.

60th Commission on the Status of Women

Wed, 03/23/2016

The 60th Session of the Commission on the Status of Women concluded today. Draft agreed conclusions can be found here.

Tobacco control and the human right to health

Wed, 03/23/2016

The Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) will held on 5 April, in Washington DC, a thematic hearing to discuss the issue of the tobacco epidemic in the Americas as a human rights problem.

Stopping the Looming Co-epidemic of Diabetes and Tuberculosis

This World TB Day on 24th March, learn what needs to be done to stop the looming co-epidemic of TB and diabetes, & how you might be able to help.


IDF welcomes UK announcement on soda tax from 2018

Mon, 03/21/2016

The government of the UK now joins countries such as Mexico, France, Norway and South Africa in the taxation of sugar-sweetened beverages.  

Oral health – why it can’t be ignored in the bigger health landscape

The aim of World Oral Health Day on March 20 is to encourage and support activities and initiatives aimed at increasing awareness about oral health as well as highlight the impact oral diseases have on general health, well-being and the economy.


