NCDA Virtual Event - Building forward better: A new approach to mobilize investment for noncommunicable diseases

NCDA Virtual Event - Building forward better: A new approach to mobilize investment for noncommunicable diseases <
Publié 7 octobre 2020
Auteur NCD Alliance


This invitation-only roundtable brought together policymakers, experts, and civil society for mutual learning across sectors about new approaches to mobilize domestic and international investment for NCDs. Participants will present different approaches on how to address the investment gap to galvanize action on NCDs. NCD Alliance will launch a policy brief in advance of the event, to be shared with participants, outlining the challenges and potential solutions to finance the NCD response.

Co-hosted by: Permanent Mission of Jamaica to the UN, Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, UN Inter-Agency Task Force on NCDs, and NCD Alliance.

Moderator: Dr Rachel Nugent, Vice President, Global Non-communicable Diseases, RTI International and member of Lancet Commission on Reframing NCDs and Injuries for the Poorest Billion.

Roundtable discussants:

  • Dr Collin Tukuitonga, Associate Dean Pacific, University of Aukland and former Director-General, Secretariat of the Pacific Community
  • Francesca Colombo, Head of Health Division, OECD
  • Prof. Dr Ana O. Mocumbi, Co-Chair, the Lancet NCDI Poverty Commission
  • Dr Christoph Benn, Joep Lange Institute, Director for Global Health Diplomacy
  • Radhika Shrivastav, Director of Health Promotion, HRIDAY, Healthy India Alliance
  • Ingvar Theo Olsen, Policy Director for Health, Norwegian Development Agency, NORAD
  • Dr Nick Banatvala, Head of Secretariat, UN Task Force on NCDs, WHO Geneva
  • Dr Sue Henshall, CEO, City Cancer Challenge Foundation, C/CAN