One week to go until World Cancer Day

Thu, 01/28/2016

World Cancer Day –taking place on 4 February – is a unique opportunity to raise awareness that there is much that can be done at an individual, community and governmental level, to harness and mobilise solutions and catalyse positive change. Over 300 activities are currently registered on the Map of Impact.

Talking Hands campaign launched

Thu, 01/14/2016

Taking place under the tagline "We Can. I can", World Cancer Day 2016-2018 will explore how everyone - as a collective or as individuals - can do their part to reduce the global burden of cancer.

Empowering patients to overcome stigma

Thu, 12/17/2015

The NCD Alliance Supporters Consultation Group hosted this week editions of the NCD Cafe at the World Diabetes Congress in Vancouver, Canada, and the NCD Dialogues at the 46th Union World Conference on Lung Health in Cape Town, South Africa.

Waiting for Health Project

Thu, 12/10/2015

Launched on Human Rights Day, Waiting for Health Project is a new photo series that shares the faces and stories of some of the millions of people still waiting for health.

UN launches high-level panel on access to medicines

Mon, 12/14/2015

The United Nations Secretary-General's High-Level Panel on Access to Medicines is inviting contributions for consideration that address the policy incoherence between international human rights law, trade rules and public health objectives regarding the innovation of and access to health technologies. 



Sustainable Financing for NCDs

Thu, 10/29/2015

How can we turn political mandates to combat the global burden of NCDs into actions that will ensure resources are available to comprehensively do so? NCD Alliance Executive Director, Katie Dain, writes for The Lancet.

Healthy Caribbean Coalition launches civil society report on National NCD Commissions

Tue, 09/29/2015

The Healthy Caribbean Coalition (HCC) has released the report "National NCD Commissions in the Caribbean: Towards a more Effective Multisectoral Response to NCDs". The report provides a detailed assessment and analysis of the status of CARICOM National NCD Commissions.


Today is World Heart Day: Support #heartchoices

Mon, 09/28/2015

World Heart Day takes place on 29 September every year and is a change for people across the globe to take part in the world's biggest intervention against cardiovascular disease (CVD).
