Brazil: Strengthening health systems, supporting NCD action

4 novembre 2014

As part of the NCD Alliance Program ‘Strengthening Health Systems, Supporting NCD Action’, ACT+ (Alliance for Tobacco Control + Health) is holding today a Health Systems Strengthening (HSS) meeting at PAHO headquarters in Brasilia.

The democratization of access to care is a key part of discussions relating to tobacco control and NCDs. This meeting will focus on how to guarantee equitable quality public health within a universal health access framework.  The meeting will include 4 discussion panels:

  • Panel 1 on health policy in Brazil
  • Panel 2 on current challenges, innovation, health technologies and conflict of interest
  • Panel 3 on the public - private health system interface
  • Panel 4 on social participation and control

For the full agenda and details to view the meeting online, click here

Read more about the Alliance for Tobacco Control + Health 


Photo courtesy: ACT+