Though NCDs are the #1 of killer of women, data on women’s views on NCDs are scarce. Data will be critical in informing actions and interventions both locally and globally to mitigate the growing impact of NCDs in the years to come.

Arogya World and its partners Novartis, Partnership to Fight Chronic Disease, American Cancer Society, UNICEF, Population Services International, Abt SRBI and Jana; set out to capture the voices of women from around the world on the impact of NCDs on their lives, and to use the data to move governments to action. 

They implemented the quantitative study in the first half of 2014 with 10,000 women age 18-40 across 10 low-, middle- and high-income countries.

"This report help us to see the breadth of NCDs' impact on women and to understand that women have a crucial contribution to make in finding and implementing sustainable solutions."

Phumzile Mlambo-Ngcuka, Executive Director of UN Women 


Download full report here

Videos: Her Story, in Her Voice