Obesity: Perception and Policy – Multi-country Review and Survey of Policymakers 2014

Mon, 06/02/2014

Last week at the European Congress on Obesity in Sofia, Bulgaria, C3 Collaborating for Health launched its latest publication, with the European Association for the Study of Obesity, entitled Obesity: Perception and Policy – Multi-country Review and Survey of Policymakers 2014.

Tobacco Control Offers Proven Public Health Benefits -Will China Seize the Opportunity?

Mon, 06/02/2014

To mark World No Tobacco Day 2014, an article was published in the Huffington Post by Sally Cowal, Senior Vice President, Global Health  at the American Cancer Society and Jeff Sturchio, Senior Partner at Rabin Martin. The blog explores the complex issues around smoking and China - touching upon the delicate balance between health and the economics of tobacco; smoking and women; and an initiative that tackles smoking in the workplace.

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WHO Proposal for Health Goals and Targets in SDGs

Wed, 05/28/2014

WHO's proposal for health goals and targets in the SDGs as presented at the 67th World Health Assembly

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WCRF Nutritional Policy Summary

Tue, 05/20/2014

The World Cancer Research Fund International has launched a promotional leaflet on "Food Policy Highlights From Around The World", which gives examples of successful nutritional policies from healthy eating habits from  16 different countries and regions around the world.

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WHO Global Status Report on Alcohol and Health

Wed, 05/14/2014

Worldwide, 3.3 million deaths in 2012 were due to harmful use of alcohol - equivalent to one death every 10 seconds. Globally, approximately 16% of drinkers engage in heavy episodic drinking - often referred to as ‘binge-drinking’ - which is the most harmful to health

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United Nations agencies report steady progress in saving mothers’ lives

Tue, 05/06/2014

New data from WHO, UNICEF,UNFPA and UNPD and the World Bank Group show a 45% reduction in maternal deaths since 1990. More than 1 in 4 maternal deaths are caused by pre-existing medical conditions, including diabetes, obesity, malaria and HIV. Integrated care for women with conditions such as diabetes and obesity will reduce deaths and prevent long-lasting health problems.

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UN targets on health risk factors can prevent 37 million deaths by 2025

Tue, 05/06/2014

A study led by Imperial College London, published today in the Lancet, has estimated how achieving globally-agreed targets for health risks between 2010 and 2025 will reduce NCD mortalities

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African Health Ministers Adopt Luanda Declaration

Tue, 04/22/2014

African Ministers of Health have acknowledged the critical role of UHC in Africa´s socio-economic development. They noted that it is the way forward for African countries given the prevailing health problems facing the continent.

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World Congress of Cardiology to put spotlight on salt

Tue, 04/15/2014

Geneva (02 April, 2014) The World Congress of Cardiology will convene leading experts across the world in Melbourne, Australia from 4 – 7 May to debate and present the latest findings in heart health. One of the key topics to be discussed will be on the importance of national targets to reduce premature mortality related to cardiovascular disease (CVD), such as dietary salt guidelines.

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