Global syndemic of obesity, undernutrition and climate change is gravest health threat - The Lancet

Wed, 01/30/2019

Unchecked production of unhealthy foods is resulting in a double burden of obesity and undernutrition, which will be exacerbated by climate change. This ‘global syndemic’ is the greatest threat to human health, says a new report.

What works to eliminate trans fats from the food supply?

Tue, 01/29/2019

Experts presented on the TFA elimination policies of Argentina, Canada and Denmark in a roundtable held by NCDA and Resolve to Save Lives (an initiative of Vital Strategies) this week in Geneva. 

Migrantes en Europa viviendo en malas condiciones, susceptibles a desarrollar ENT

Tue, 01/22/2019

Según un nuevo informe de la OMS, los migrantes y refugiados en Europa gozan de buena salud en general, pero son susceptibles de desarrollar ENT si viven en la pobreza.

Migrants to Europe who live in poor conditions susceptible to developing NCDs

Tue, 01/22/2019

Migrants and refugees in Europe have generally good health but are susceptible to developing NCDs if they live in poverty, according to a new WHO report.

Informe Lancet: Mejores dietas para un mejor futuro personal y planetario

Thu, 01/17/2019

Según un nuevo informe de la Comisión EAT-Lancet, seguir una dieta saludable y sostenible evitaría aproximadamente 11 millones de muertes prematuras por año.

Día mundial contra el cáncer 2019: 'Yo soy y voy a'

Tue, 01/15/2019

El 4 de febrero, con la celebración del Día Mundial contra el Cáncer 2019, se iniciará la campaña de tres años llamada: "Yo soy y voy a".


Improve diets now for better personal and planetary health - Lancet report

Thu, 01/17/2019

Following a healthy and sustainable diet could avoid roughly 11 million premature deaths per year, says a new report by the EAT-Lancet Commission.

Bolstering accountability must be our new year’s resolution for 2019: 9 tools to help

Jess Beagley explains why embracing accountability is the New Year's Resolution we should all commit to for 2019, sharing some handy and recent tools to help you along the way to making good of your own commitment to do more for NCDs this post-HLM3 year. 


'I Am and I Will' - World Cancer Day 2019

Tue, 01/15/2019

World Cancer Day (WCD) 2019, celebrated on 4 February, marks the launch of the 3 -year ‘I Am and I Will’ campaign.

Triunfan ganancias sobre las personas en la reunión sobre el clima de la ONU

Tue, 12/18/2018

Después de varias horas de negociaciones, se acordó el "Libro de Reglas de París", las directrices de implementación del Acuerdo de París, en la reunión de la COP24 en Katowice, Polonia. 
