Avances hacia la RAN de la ONU sobre incidencia para las ENT y control del alcohol en Vietnam

Wed, 07/18/2018

Antes de la RAN de la ONU sobre ENT, la Alianza de ENT Vietnam ha estado trabajando para sensibilizar a la Asamblea Nacional y varios ministerios gubernamentales sobre la prevención y el control de las ENT a través del fortalecimiento de la incidencia en 6 prioridades.

Jóvenes dan el ejemplo en India

Wed, 07/18/2018

La Alianza India Saludable participó en mayo pasado en el evento Del Dicho al Hecho de la OMS, tanto en Ginebra como en Delhi, para celebrar el cumpleaños número 70 de la OMS y llamar por la salud para todos.

14 Jefes de CARICOM dicen #BASTA y se comprometen a ir del dicho al hecho en la RAN de la ONU sobre ENT

Wed, 07/18/2018

Caribe Saludable ha lanzado una campaña agresiva para alentar a los Jefes de Estado y Gobierno del Caribe a asistir a la Tercera Reunión de Alto Nivel de la ONU sobre ENT en septiembre.


RAN de la ONU sobre ENT: Destacados para la acción nacional y regional

Wed, 07/18/2018
Con la RAN de la ONU sobre ENT a poco más de dos meses, en la semana de la Asamblea General en Nueva York, las próximas semanas representan una excelente oportunidad para continuar las acciones a nivel nacional o regional, mientras se construyen o refuerzan relaciones con las misiones nacionales en Nueva York.

UN HLM on NCDs: highlights for national and regional action

Wed, 07/18/2018

With the UN HLM on NCDs just over two months away, on September 27th during the week of the General Assembly in New York, the coming weeks represent a prime opportunity to continue taking action nationally or regionally, while building or reinforcing relationships with national missions in New York.

14 CARICOM Heads say #EnoughNCDs and commit to walk the talk to the UN HLM on NCDs

Wed, 07/18/2018

HCC has launched an aggressive campaign to encourage Caribbean Heads of State and Government to attend the upcoming 3rd UN High Level Meeting on NCDs in September. 

Youth walk the talk in India

Wed, 07/18/2018

Healthy India Alliance participated last May in WHO Wallk the Talk event both in Geneva and Dehli to celebrate WHO's 70th birthday and call for health for all. 

Progress on UN HLM on NCDs advocacy and alcohol control in Vietnam

Wed, 07/18/2018

In advance of the UN High-Level Meeting on NCDs, The Vietnam NCD Alliance, has been working to sensitize the National Assembly and various Government Ministries about NCD prevention and control through strengthening advocacy in 6 priorities. 

Enough: Now is the time for European Union action on NCDs

Wed, 07/18/2018

The European Public Health Alliance (EPHA) and the European Chronic Disease Alliance (ECDA) have released a set of policy recommendations to advance NCDs prevention and control in Europe. 

NCD Alliance Nigeria conducts UN HLM on NCDs advocacy visits with decision makers

Wed, 07/18/2018

In preparation for the UN High-Level Meeting on NCDs, the NCD Alliance Nigeria has proactively continued to inform and interact with stakeholders at high levels of Government, National Media and partners in the West African region.

