WHO Europe launches new action plan for NCDs

Tue, 09/06/2016

The WHO European Region has launched today a new action plan for NCDs at the Regional Committee meeting in Copenhagen.


October 2016 WHO GCM/NCD Dialogue Meeting: programme out now!

Thu, 09/01/2016

The deadline for pre-registration has been extended to 12 September 2016. 


International health advocates ask Ecuador to stand firm and defend the right to health

Wed, 08/31/2016

NCD Alliance and other international public health organisations have sent a letter today to President of the Republic of Ecuador, Rafael Correa, urging him to maintain the traffic light labelling scheme as an effective tool to tackle NCDs, reduce overweight & obesity, and improve nutrition and health.


José Luis Castro writes on NCDs and tobacco tax in The Lancet

Tue, 08/30/2016

"We won't achieve sustainable development goals for NCDS or other targets without tobacco taxes", says José Luis Castro, Chair of the NCD Alliance, in an article for The Lancet Global Health Blog.




World Heart Day 2016: Power your life!

Mon, 08/29/2016

World Heart Day on 29 September is the World Heart Federation’s (and the world’s!) biggest platform for raising awareness about cardiovascular disease.


World Cancer Congress: NCD Programme, Early Registration Deadline and More!

Thu, 08/25/2016

The 2016 World Cancer Congress will take place from 31 October-3 November in Paris, France. The conference will feature a dedicated NCD Programme, including seven NCD Café Sessions.


Web Consultation: WHO GCM/NCD Working Groups Draft Interim Reports

Wed, 08/24/2016

Draft Interim Reports emerging from the ongoing WHO GCM/NCD Working Groups on the inclusion of NCDs in other programmatic areas and on the alignment of international cooperation with national plans on NCDs, are now available for comment.


Health organisations: "Be the change you want to see in the world"

"If we do not lead by example, we are open to the charge of hypocrisy.  And who gives credence to the advice of hypocrites?" asks Terry Slevin

