New multistakeholder platform to accelerate action on UHC

Wed, 06/22/2016

Over 100 stakeholders are gathering in Geneva for a two-day consultation meeting to explore ways to accelerate action on universal health coverage.

Update on follow-up and review of 2030 Agenda

Tue, 06/21/2016

The first HLPF following the adoption of the 2030 Agenda will be held from 11 - 20 July at UN Headquarters in New York.

World Osteoporosis Day theme 2016 announced

Mon, 06/20/2016

Under its theme of Love Your Bones: Protect Your Future, WOD 2016 calls upon the general public to take early action to protect their bone and muscle health, and for health authorities and physicians to protect their communities’ bone health

Habitat III: We need your support to include health in the 'New Urban Agenda'

Thu, 06/16/2016

NCD Alliance is developing civil society recommendations for inclusion of health priorities in the Habitat III outcome document, and we need your support.

Did you miss our June 2016 webinar? Video & slides are online

Thu, 06/16/2016

Keep up to date with the latest trends impacting NCDs around the world.  69th WHA decisions and follow-up, 2030 Agenda, UN High Level Meeting on Ending AIDS; HABITAT III & EAT Forum.

Call for cases: Public-private interactions in nutrition-related NCDs: Lessons from research, policy and practice

Thu, 06/16/2016

This Casebook is seeking submissions on public-private interactions involving the for-profit commercial sector in the prevention of nutrition-related NCDs.

NCDs in Political Declaration on HIV and AIDS

Wed, 06/15/2016

The recently adopted UN Political Declaration on HIV and AIDS highlights for the first time the need for integrated services and programs for HIV/AIDS and NCDs.

2016 Global Nutrition Report: Malnutrition becoming the “new normal” across the globe

Mon, 06/13/2016

Malnutrition is on the rise in every country in the world and is a leading global driver of disease, alerts the 2016 Global Nutrition Report launched today in seven cities around the world.

Edie Mayhew: Thoughts, hopes, fears & expectations on end of life care with Alzheimer's disease

Edie Mayhew and her partner had to begin the process of planning her final years much earlier than anticipated, when diagnosed at 59 with Younger Onset Dementia, Alzheimer's Disease. In this compelling blog Edie urges us all do what we can to ensure peaceful and dignified deaths for all.


NCDS at the World Congress of Cardiology and Cardiovascular Health

Mon, 06/13/2016

The World Congress of Cardiology and Cardiovascular Health, held last week in Mexico City, was very successful for NCDs, with links being drawn from CVD to the broader NCD agenda from start to finish. 
