UHC: An empty promise without focusing on chronic diseases

Tue, 11/11/2014

As the world’s population reaches the 7 billion mark, we know that the 7th billion infant just born is more likely to die from a non-communicable disease than any other illness. NCDs — including cancer, cardiovascular disease, chronic respiratory disease and diabetes — cause more deaths than all other diseases combined; an estimated 36 million every year in total. And they strike hardest at the world’s low- and middle-income populations.

FCTC: Outcomes from the 6th Conference of the Parties

Fri, 11/07/2014

The 6th session of the Conference of the Parties to the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (FCTC) took place in Moscow, 13-18 October.

During the meeting, key decisions relating to NCDs were made. Among these, the adoption of guidelines on price and tax measures (Article 6) is particularly significant.

Off to the right start this World Diabetes Day

Thu, 11/06/2014

World Diabetes Day takes place on 14 November. This year, the International Diabetes Federation is underlining the importance of simple, cost effective interventions such as healthy breakfasts, to lessen the global burden of diabetes, and save billions in lost productivity and healthcare costs.

Check out the campaign website

Download press kit here



Facing down the TB-diabetes co-epidemic

Wed, 11/05/2014

At last week’s 45th World Conference on Lung Health in Barcelona, Spain, the International Union Against Tuberculosis and Lung Disease and World Diabetes Foundation jointly issued a call to action against a global co-epidemic of diabetes mellitus and tuberculosis.

Brazil: Strengthening health systems, supporting NCD action

Tue, 11/04/2014

As part of the NCD Alliance Program ‘Strengthening Health Systems, Supporting NCD Action’, ACT+ (Alliance for Tobacco Control + Health) is holding today a Health Systems Strengthening (HSS) meeting at PAHO headquarters in Brasilia.

The democratization of access to care is a key part of discussions relating to tobacco control and NCDs. This meeting will focus on how to guarantee equitable quality public health within a universal health access framework.  The meeting will include 4 discussion panels:

The Global Asthma Report 2014

Mon, 11/03/2014

The Global Asthma Report 2014 is published by the Global Asthma Network and includes strategic and practical recommendations and valuable information for governments, health organisations, health professionals, and people with asthma,

WHO AFRO Regional Committee Meeting begins today

Mon, 11/03/2014

The 64th Regional Committee Meeting for the WHO AFRO Region begins today in Cotonou, Republic of Benin. NCDs feature in the Report of the work of WHO in the African Region, and engagement with non state actors will be discussed under a standalone agenda item. A statement will be delivered on behalf of NCDA.

Off to the right start: World Diabetes Day campaign 2014

Thu, 10/30/2014

The  International Diabetes Federation (IDF) launched today the World Diabetes Campaign. Get "Off to the right start" shows why having a healthy breakfast is a powerful way to address diabetes. 

Healthy Caribbean Coalition: Spirit of partnership

Wed, 10/29/2014

As part of the NCD Alliance Program ‘Strengthening Health Systems, Supporting NCD Action’, the Healthy Caribbean Coalition (HCC) in partnership with PAHO/WHO and CARPHA held a Caribbean Health Systems Strengthening (HSS) meeting in Dominica on 22 October. 

The goal of the meeting was to encourage a greater understanding of what HSS means in the Caribbean and provide a platform for evidence-informed CSO-led NCD advocacy within the context of HSS.


Read more here

#HealthyMeans campaign launched today

Tue, 10/28/2014

Healthy Means is an online conversation advancing the discussion around future challenges and opportunities in global health. From breakthroughs in preventing chronic and non-communicable diseases to disruptive innovations changing the landscape of technology, access, delivery, and more, Healthy Means looks to the next stage of progress as the post-2015 agenda nears.

During the next four weeks, the campaign will examine ways access, living longer, new ideas, and working together are all integral to achieving outcomes for a more healthful world.
