Arogya World Launches Op-Ed pieces for the one-year anniversary of the UN High Level Meeting

Mon, 09/24/2012

ArogyaWorld produced a series of op-ed pieces in partnership with Young Professionals Chronic Disease Network (YPCDN) with leaders in public health such as Sir George Alleyne, Nils Daulaire, Princess Dina Mired, Peter Piot, Jill Sheffield, Rachel Nugent, Felicia Knaul, Derek Yach and NCD Alliance Steering Group members Johanna Ralston and Ann Keeling.

National Forum Launches New Policy Depot

Wed, 09/12/2012

The Policy Depot – Rethinking cardiovascular health policy

The Policy Depot is a new, innovative social network created specifically for cardiovascular health policy professionals throughout the world. Developed by the National Forum for Heart Disease and Stroke Prevention and CINDI, the Policy Depot creates new opportunities for policy professionals to develop,implement, and share evidence-based policies and best practices that will reduce the burden of cardiovascular disease within their communities.

From BMJ: No more disease silos for sub-Saharan Africa

Mon, 09/03/2012

'Countries in sub-Saharan Africa are facing a double burden of communicable and non-communicable disease. Patricio Marquez and Jill Farrington argue that knowledge of their common determinants and the links between diseases should be used to spur development of coordinated programmes to prevent and treat both'- BMJ

For the analysis and article please click here

Obesity links to declining mental performance

Tue, 08/21/2012

A recently conducted study demonstrated the links between obesity and a decrease in cognitive function.

For more on the story click here

65 and older will see in increase in cancer prevalence by 2040

Tue, 08/21/2012

By 2040, a quarter of over 65 year olds in the United Kingdom could be diagnosed with cancer.

For more on this story click here.

Lancet Series on Hypertension

Fri, 08/17/2012

A new Lancet series released this month highlights a group of articles on the topic of hypertension. This series reviews articles regarding treatment for hypertension, hypertension and diabetes, and hypertension in low and middle income countries.

It showcases the increased prevalence of hypertension in low and middle income countries due to social determinant factors such as high illiteracy rates, poor access to health facilities, bad dietary habits, poverty, and lack of access to essential medicines.


Largest Global Survey on Tobacco use shows threat to low and middle income countries-Lancet

Fri, 08/17/2012

The Lancet published the largest survey of tobacco use worldwide, 'Tobacco use in 3 billion individuals from 16 countries: an analysis of nationally representative cross-sectional household surveys.'

It showcases the global tobacco epidemic specifically in low and middle income countries where the tobacco industry have directed most of their efforts. The survey has shown how the burden of tobacco use is growing rapidly and that countries must act now to address the oncoming crisis with  effectiveve tobacco control meaures.

UNDP poised for role supporting accelerated FCTC implementation

Fri, 07/27/2012

From the FCA website:

The UN Development Programme (UNDP) is poised to support a strengthened inter-agency approach to implementation of the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (FCTC), says Doug Webb of the UNDP’s Bureau for Development Policy.

The HIV experience and other chronic diseases-UNAIDs and WHO Partnership on NCDs

Thu, 07/26/2012

Advances in HIV care and treatment that keep people alive while controlling, although not curing, their conditions have led to growing numbers of people surviving with chronic illnesses including HIV infection.
