US Surgeon General Report on Preventing Tobacco Use Among Youth and Young Adults

Tue, 11/06/2012

The report on Preventing Tobacco Use Among Youth and Yound Adults was released in early 2012 by US Surgeon General. It showcases the rise of tobacco use among the youth aged (12-17) and young adults (18-25) including epidemiology, causes, and health effects of tobacco use and recommendations of interventions that will help combat it.

For the report please follow click here

Economist Conference: Cost of non-communicable diseases to weigh on society more than the global financial crisis

Wed, 10/31/2012

The Economsist Conference brought together key stakeholders to discuss strategies to address NCDs including the four CEOs of the NCD Alliance.

For the article please click here


ADI, IDF and NCDA Submissions to the WHO Consultation on the draft Global Mental Health Action Plan

Tue, 10/23/2012

At this year's WHA, the WHO was tasked to begin consultations on the development of  Global Mental Health Action from 2013-2020.

They developed a 'zero draft' and invited Member States, other organizations and associates to comment by October 19th. NCDA submitted comments highlighting the links between mental health and NCDs and the need for a comprehensive approach to each.

Below are links to ADI, IDF and NCDA submissions to WHO:

Final Report Released from the NCD Child Conference

Fri, 10/19/2012

CLAN convened, in partnership with the Public Health Institute and the Global Health Council, the first NCD Conference which brought together leading NCD experts and development organisations. The conference focused on the complexities of a life-course approach to NCDs and how to effectively integrate children and adolescents within the global NCD framework, health and development discussions.

The final report has just been released and can be found here.

ITU and WHO launch mHealth initiative to combat noncommunicable diseases

Thu, 10/18/2012

'The International Telecommunication Union (ITU) and WHO today launched a new partnership called the ‘mHealth’ Initiative to use mobile technology, in particular text messaging and apps, to help combat noncommunicable diseases (NCDs) such as diabetes, cancer, cardiovascular diseases and chronic respiratory diseases.'- WHO News Release

For the official release please click here


Source: WHO

Director of NCDA focuses on NCDs at The European Health Forum

Fri, 10/05/2012

Judith Watt, the Director of NCDA, attended the European Health Forum Group highlighting the current NCD epidemic.

The Health Forum focuses on the health care policy in the EU and it has the most the influence in policy recommendations. It attracts more more than 600 decision-makers from 45 countries to discuss the future of the European health system

For more information on the Forum click here

NCD Strategy adopted at the PAHO Regional Committee

Fri, 09/28/2012

The WHO Regional Committee Meetings are underway – PAHO met last week and the WPRO meeting is taking place this week.  The NCD Alliance has coordinated representation at those meetings to ensure a strong civil society voice is present on any discussions on the NCD Framework, and developed a Statement to be delivered at each Regional Meeting.

 A regional strategy on NCDs was adopted at the PAHO Regional Meeting highlighting:

WHF as part of the Global Cardiovascular Disease Taskforce releases new report

Mon, 09/24/2012

World Heart Federation as part of the Global Cardiovascular Disease Taskforce released a new paper acknowledging that ‘agreement by governments, by the end of 2012, on a set of ambitious global targets to curb the growing scourge of non-communicable diseases (NCDs), which includes cardiovascular disease (CVD; heart disease and stroke), is critical to avoiding the millions of premature deaths worldwide.’ The Taskforce calls upon governments to support at least 10 targets for the Framework.

The Lancet publishes series on Universal Health Coverage

Wed, 09/19/2012

The Lancet has launched a series on the importance of Universal Health Coverage in terms of population health outcomes, political and economic components of the transition and how lower-middle-income countries in Africa and Asia have begun to implement national health insurance reforms.

More information


