NCD Alliance supporters are invited to attend the 2024 Global NCD Alliance Forum by receiving two free registrations. As a confirmed Champion sponsor of the Forum, your organisation is entitled to four additional free registrations.
National and regional NCD alliances based in low- income and middle-income countries and SIDS that are full members of the NCD Alliance are invited to attend the 2024 Global NCD Alliance Forum by receiving two free registrations and two travel grants.
Full NCD Alliance members who are members of national and regional NCD alliances (that are also full members of the NCD Alliance) are invited to attend the 2024 Global NCD Alliance Forum by receiving two free registrations and one travel grant.
La Dra. Ibtihal Fadhil, de la Alianza de ENT del Mediterráneo Oriental, y Alison Cox, de la Alianza de ENT (NCDA), reflexionan sobre los resultados de la Reunión mundial de Alto Nivel sobre ENT en contextos humanitarios celebrada en Copenhague el mes pasado.
Dr Ibtihal Fadhil, Eastern Mediterranean NCD Alliance, and Alison Cox, NCDA, reflect on the outcomes of the Global High-Level Meeting on NCDs in Humanitarian Settings held in Copenhagen last month.
En el Día Internacional de la Mujer, activistas de las ENT reflexionan sobre los numerosos desafíos de género relacionados con las ENT, arrojando luz sobre la importancia de que los gobiernos apliquen una perspectiva de género a la cobertura sanitaria universal.