Record engagement in the first half of the 2024-2025 Global Week for Action on NCDs

Thu, 11/07/2024

Thank you! The NCDs community expanded its online reach like never before during the 2024 Global Week for Action on NCDs. We recorded 1.5 million views of our content on social media, where NCD Alliance (NCDA) gained 2,500 new followers.

Healthy Philippines Alliance



Le lancement de deux mini films mettant en scène des leaders des MNT marque le début de la Semaine d'action mondiale

Tue, 10/15/2024

Pour donner le coup d'envoi de la Semaine, la NCDA a lancé deux mini films mettant en lumière des leaders locaux qui plaident pour une meilleure prise en charge des MNT dans leurs communautés.


The launch of two mini-films featuring NCD leaders marks the beginning of the Global Week for Action

Tue, 10/15/2024

To kick-off the Global Week for Action on NCDs, the NCDA has launched two short films spotlighting the impactful stories of local leaders advocating for better NCD care in their communities.


Global NCD Alliance Forum postponed due to Marburg virus outbreak

Fri, 10/04/2024

A message from Katie Dain, CEO of NCD Alliance, on the postponement of the Global NCD Alliance Forum to February 2025.


New partnership to focus on health systems strengthening and equity in NCDs care

Fri, 09/27/2024

The NCD Alliance is pleased to announce a new partnership with Boehringer Ingelheim to advance health systems strengthening with a focus on equitable access care for noncommunicable diseases (NCDs).


79th United Nations General Assembly (UNGA 79)

Event start date: 
10 septiembre, 2024

The 79th session of the UN General Assembly (UNGA77) will take place at the UN headquarters in New York, USA from 10 to 24 September 2024

NGOs and local governments in Nepal team up to deliver health services in remote areas

Tue, 09/03/2024

NGOs and local governments are filling the gaps left by the national health systems in Nepal, especially in rural areas. As the demand for independent mobile health camps increases, questions arise about the central government’s capacity to deliver on people’s right to health.


Homage to an irreplaceable advocate

Tue, 08/27/2024

It is with a heavy heart that NCD Alliance gives this homage to Vicki Pinkney Atkinson, Director of South Africa NCD Alliance, who recently passed away. Vicki’s passion,  integrity and uncompromising dedication to doing the right thing made her a true force of nature and recognised leader amongst our community. 


The Call to Lead points governments to key actions to take ahead of 2025 High-Level Meeting on NCDs

Mon, 08/26/2024

This open letter to world leaders serves as a crucial advocacy tool, urging them to fulfill their commitments to address the burden of NCDs. Open to civil society endorsement. 


