2024 Global NCD Alliance Forum – Community Stage speaker submission form

2024 Global NCD Alliance Forum


The Forum Community Zone includes a Community Stage with interactive and dynamic sessions. We are now accepting individual speaker proposals for inclusion in 6 "Community Stage" sessions within the Community Zone on October 21‑22.

NCDA at World Cancer Congress 2024

Event start date: 
17 septiembre, 2024

World Cancer Congress aims to strengthen the participants' actions and impact on national, regional and international scales through a multidisciplinary programme featuring the latest successful cancer prevention, diagnosis, treatment and care interventions. We have collected key resources to help you get ready for the discussions at the Congress. 


Change Issues: International Financing Dialogue for NCDs continues call for Integrated Financing Approaches

Marijke Kremin, NCDA's Policy & Advocacy Manager, reflects on the International Dialogue on Sustainable Financing for NCDs and Mental Health in this blog, covering the achievements, challenges and future of a much-anticipated meeting. 


Access to drugs to treat and manage neurological disorders “grossly inadequate,” says WHO report

Tue, 07/30/2024

A new WHO report on improving access to medicines for neurological disorders highlights a sustained lack of access to treatment, particularly in low-resource and rural areas.


Annual Report 2023: NCDA President and CEO look back on a landmark year for global health

Monika Arora and Katie Dain reflect on the state of NCDs in the global health agenda, highlighting progress and achievements from NCDA's work, to mark the publication of the Annual Report 2023.


New podcast: Youth are already leading—make space for their input

Thu, 07/18/2024

Youth are already acting as leaders globally but their work needs to be better incorporated into policy-making, agree three youth NCD leaders in the new episode of the NCDA podcast, Voices of the health revolution.


Advocacy Institute advocates bring a strong presence to Geneva during WHA week

Tue, 07/09/2024

In the lead up to the World Health Assembly held in Geneva (27 May-1 June 2024), NCDA brought together representatives of NCD alliances from the Advocacy Institute Accelerator and Regional Advocacy tracks.


Physical inactivity report: a wake-up call ahead of 2025 High-Level Meeting on NCDs

Fri, 07/05/2024

More and more adults worldwide are not doing enough physical activity, which in turn will increase the number of people living with noncommunicable diseases (NCDs), says a new report.


Financing on the agenda as we mark four months to the Global Week for Action

Fri, 06/21/2024

This week marks the four-month countdown to 2024’s Global Week for Action on NCDs and the Global NCD Alliance Forum – which happens to fall on the same days of a pivotal global dialogue on NCD financing. 


International dialogue on sustainable financing for NCDs and mental health

Event start date: 
20 junio, 2024

The International Dialogue on Sustainable Financing for NCDs and Mental Health is a high-level technical meeting convened to explore approaches on how to include NCDs and mental health responses within national health and financing plans.

