Récapitulatif des événements organisés autour des MNT lors de la 72ème AGNU

Fri, 09/15/2017

Le segment de haut niveau de la 72ème session de l’Assemblée générale des Nations Unies s’ouvre à New York la semaine prochaine. L’AMNT organise un événement parallèle le 18 septembre de 18h00 à 19h30, intitulé Breaking Down Silos, Building Synergies: Implementing NCDs in the SDG Era (Décloisonner pour bâtir des synergies : la mise en œuvre des MNT à l’ère des ODD)

95 health groups to Philip Morris International: stop selling cigarettes

Fri, 09/15/2017

95 global health organisations published yesterday an open letter to Philip Morris International demanding that they immediately cease the production, marketing and sale of cigarettes. #QuitPMI

UNGA72 Side Event - Breaking Down Silos, Building Synergies: Implementing NCDs in the SDG Era

Thu, 09/14/2017

This side event, held on the margins of the 72nd UN General Assembly, will explore the opportunities available for implementing actions that will support the achievement of the NCD target in the SDGs

95 groupes santé interpellent Philip Morris International : cessez de vendre des cigarettes

Thu, 09/14/2017

95 groupes santé interpellent ont publié une lettre ouverte, destinée à Philip Morris International, exigeant la cessation de la production, le marketing et la vente de cigarettes. #QuitPMI

Le Mexique ajoute sa voix au programme de plaidoyer sur les personnes vivant avec des MNT

Durant les conversations communautaires ayant eu lieu en août à Mexico City, dans le contexte de l’initiative « Notre vision, notre voix », les mexicains souffrant de MNT ont fait un appel à humaniser le système de santé face aux maladies chroniques. 



En conversaciones comunitarias realizadas en agosto último en Ciudad de México en el contexto de la iniciativa "Nuestra Visión, Nuestra Voz", personas que viven con ENT hicieron un llamamiento a que los sistemas de salud respondan de una manera más humana a las enfermedades crónicas. 


Mexico adds its voice to the Advocacy Agenda of People Living with NCDs

During community conversations held in August in México City in the context of the "Our Views, Our Voices" initiative, Mexicans living with NCDs have called for health systems to have a more human response to chronic diseases.


UN Global Compact ban recognises the tobacco industry’s incompatibility with responsible, sustainable business

Tue, 09/12/2017

The global noncommunicable diseases community has welcomed today’s announcement by the UN Global Compact (UNGC) to exclude the tobacco industry from participating in the initiative.

WHO Global Conference on NCDs: Provisional agenda available online

Fri, 09/01/2017

The preliminary provisional agenda for the WHO Global Conference on NCDs is now available online. The conference will take place from 18-20 October 2017 in Montevideo, Uruguay.


Our Views, Our Voices Online Consultation Survey Extended to September 9th!

Thu, 08/31/2017

The Our Views, Our Voices Online Consultation has already received responses from 552 people living with NCDs from all over the world. Given the value and richness of these responses, we are extending the deadline for responses from today to the 9th of September to allow more people to have their say!
