WHO report finds dramatic increase in life-saving tobacco control policies in last decade

Thu, 07/20/2017

4.7 billion people – 63% of world’s population – are covered by polices such as strong graphic warnings, smoke-free public places, and other measures.

First WHO Forum on alcohol, drugs & addictive behaviours provokes discussion, illuminates challenges & opportunities

Lucy Westerman reports back on the first WHO Forum on Alcohol, Drugs and Addictive Behaviours held from 26-28 June 2017, which focused on enhancing public health actions to achieve health targets for the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, including prevention of NCDs.


WHO estimates cost of reaching global health targets by 2030

Mon, 07/17/2017

Investments to achieve the health targets in the SDGs could prevent 97 million premature deaths globally between now and 2030, and add as much as 8.4 years of life expectancy in some countries. 


Human rights and NCDs – integrated and indivisible

‘Human rights’ are a fundamental overarching principle of treaties relating to noncommunicable diseases. So what are human rights and how are they relevant to NCDs?


CARICOM leaders - breakthrough in the fight against NCDs

Wed, 07/12/2017

The push for a healthier Caribbean received a considerable boost last week, as the leaders at the 38th CARICOM Heads of Government Conference made new commitments to tackle the NCD epidemic.


Promoting healthy food environments in the SDGs

Thu, 06/29/2017

This event, on the margins of the UN High-level Political Forum, will explore policies to prevent obesity as part of a broader strategy to address diet-related NCDs, and to achieve the SDGs.

New partnership to scale up action against NCDs in the workplace

Thu, 06/29/2017

The NCD Alliance and the Novartis Foundation are proud to announce their new partnership to scale up action against NCDs in the workplace. 

A call to face the scourge of diabetes in Africa

Tue, 06/27/2017

Nine high-level international experts have signed a column published in the French newspaper « Le Monde » this week, calling for an urgent international mobilisation to face the scourge of diabetes in Africa. 


The NCD Alliance of Kenya set to launch county chapters

Thu, 06/22/2017

In view of recent national developments, the NCD Alliance of Kenya is supporting its members to open County Chapters in order to strengthen the Alliance and facilitate coordinated NCD prevention at the county level.

AMR: global campaign to raise awareness of its devastating effects for cancer patients

Thu, 06/22/2017

The Norwegian Cancer Society has launched a global campaign to raise awareness among the cancer community of the devastating effects of antimicrobial resistance (AMR) for cancer patients. 

