A call to face the scourge of diabetes in Africa

27 de junio de 2017

Nine high-level signatories (Pr Sachs, Pr Marion Nestle, Pr Cynthia Fleury, Dr Olivier Veran, Pierre Salignon, Stéphane Besançon, Dr Kaushik Ramaiya, Pr Naby Balde and Dr David Beran) have signed a column, published in the French newspaper « Le Monde » June 26, 2017, in the form of a call for signatures to obtain an urgent international mobilisation to face the scourge of diabetes in Africa. 

This call is relayed on the website "wesign.it" to allow it to be signed by the largest number of people in order to publicise this scourge that has been overlooked for too long, but also to support and give back hope to mostly vulnerable patients who are lacking access to care and to appropriate treatment.

The epidemic of diabetes is especially increasing in Africa, under the combined effects of rapid urbanisation, modification of eating habits, increase in life expectancy, in addition to environmental changes.

According to the International Diabetes Federation (IDF), over 415 million people live with diabetes today, more than 77% of them in low and middle-income countries, for an estimated cost of USD 673 billion per year.

Read and sign the petition here