Dear NCD Advocates,
Your Action Needed by June 10!
The NCD Alliance will be kicking off its 100 Day Countdown to the Summit and urges all members and partners to contribute to the World Health Organization online consultation that has just been launched which will feed into the Final Outcomes Document. Your comments from this consultation will also inform both the conduct of the UN Civil Society Hearing on the 16th and the subsequent report on the outcomes of the hearing, which will be shared with Member States. For more details click here.
As members of civil society, you can and are playing a key role in ensuring that political leaders commit their attendance and agree to a plan that will secure a better and healthier future.
The consultation is focused on three questions:
1. The specific contribution of Civil Society in NCD prevention and control and how this can be most effective
2. Lessons learnt from the success of Civil Society and previous social mobilization efforts to address health and development challenges
3. Specific outcomes that could be recommended for inclusion in the outcomes document being developed for the September high-level meeting on NCDs.
Question 3 is the most important of these – it is your opportunity to tell political leaders the future action needed to stem the spiralling epidemic. The NCD Alliance urges you to use the ten key points from our new ‘pocket guide’ to the Proposed Outcomes Document, and attach the documents (pocket version of Proposed Outcomes Document and Lancet-NCDA two page) to your online consultation entry.
Ten Points to Support
1. Commit to a whole-of-government response through costed national plans for NCD prevention and treatment
2. Establish an NCDs Partnership, linked to WHO, to coordinate follow up action with member states, other UN and multilateral agencies, foundations, NGOs and private sector
3. Increase national and international resources for NCD prevention and treatment
4. Include NCDs in future global health and development goals
5. Accelerate implementation of Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (FCTC)
6. Reduce dietary salt, sugar, saturated and trans-fats and harmful use of alcohol
7. Implement strategies to encourage physical activity and improve diet
8. Strengthen health systems through integration of NCD prevention and treatment
9. Increase access to affordable, quality-assured essential medicines and technologies to prevent and treat cancer, cardiovascular disease, chronic respiratory disease and diabetes, including vaccines and palliative care
10. Establish a high level Accountability Commission on NCDs with cross sector representation to monitor Summit commitments
This is your chance to tell world leaders to take action NOW on NCDs, end the suffering and forge a healthier future for our planet. If thousands of people unite around the same points, we will influence the outcomes document and ensure a successful UN Summit. The next few weeks are crucial and we urge you to get your voice heard, contribute your views to the Summit, and say loud and clear that neglect of NCDs is an OUTRAGE.
What you can do before 10 June
1. Complete the online consultation form at http://www.who.int/nmh/events/2011/online_form/en/index.html.
2. Submit your own text and the suggested text, in addition to the two attached documents (the condensed NCD Alliance Proposed Outcomes Document: NCD Alliance Pocket POD and the Lancet Priority Interventions).The deadline for submitting comments: end of business day on 10 June 2011 wherever you are in the world.
3. Share this information with your networks, colleagues, friends and social media channels, and encourage them to send their views too.
4. Send a copy of your submission to the NCD Alliance: [email protected]
Thank you for your continued support,
The NCD Alliance