NCD Alliance Board
In 2017, the NCD Alliance evolved from being an informal alliance to being a standalone NGO registered in Switzerland with a President, Board and consolidated membership base. The Board of 13 directors is elected every two year and acts as the executive body of NCDA.
NCDA Organisational Conflict of Interest Policy
The NCD Alliance’s vision, mission and organisational structure propels and obliges the organisation to engage and partner with a wide range of people and organisations who share its goals - including member organisations, international agencies, governments, NGOs, academia, foundations, relevant private sector entities, and the general public.
It is NCDA’s belief that making prevention and control of NCDs a priority on a global scale demands a whole of society response, with engagement from a range of relevant sectors and organisation. Furthermore, as a global alliance and membership-based organisation with a mission to unite and strengthen civil society to stimulate action on NCDs, engagement and partnership has always been in the DNA of NCDA’s approach and work.