About the NCD Alliance

With a strong track record, vision and expertise, the NCD Alliance is uniquely placed to drive the NCD agenda forward.

We are a recognised global thought leader on NCD policy and practice, a convener of the civil society movement, a partner to governments and UN agencies, and an advocate for people at risk of or living with NCDs.

The NCD Alliance is a unique civil society network, dedicated to a world in which everyone can live a healthy and productive life, free from the preventable suffering, stigma, disability and death caused by noncommunicable diseases (NCDs). Beginning as an informal alliance in 2009 founded by the International Diabetes Federation (IDF), World Heart Federation (WHF), the Union for International Cancer Control (UICC) and the International Union Against TB and Lung Disease (The Union), in 2017 NCDA transitioned to register as a formal, membership-based, non-governmental organisation (NGO) in Geneva, Switzerland. 

NCDA has developed a robust global network of more than 425 members in 60+ countries. This includes global and national NGOs, scientific and professional associations, academic and research institutions, private sector entities and dedicated individuals.

NCDA maintains strategic relations with the World Health Organization, UN and governments, and staff in Geneva, London and New York, putting it at the forefront of elevating noncommunicable diseases (NCDs) onto the global health and development agenda.

NCDA also leads on a variety of initiatives and in-depth tailored programmes to develop civil society capacity to deliver progress on NCD prevention and control.

In May 2017, the NCD Alliance transitioned to become a full-fledged NGO, based in Switzerland.

Our Track Record

NCD Alliance is uniquely placed to drive the NCD agenda forward. We are a recognised global thought leader on NCD policy and practice, a convener of the civil society movement, a partner to governments and UN agencies, and an advocate for people at risk of or living with NCDs. We have an impressive track record, but we also have the vision, the expertise and the solutions to drive change from the global to the local for the millions of people with NCDs worldwide.

Some of key NCD Alliance successes to date include:

United and led the first global civil society movement for NCDs

NCD Alliance brought together 2,000 NGOs from different diseases and risk factors to work for a common agenda and convened a legitimate and respected civil society movement that could not be ignored.

Influenced political commitments on NCDs

Campaigned successfully for the landmark UN High-level Meeting on NCDs in September 2011 and the adoption of a strong UN Political Declaration on NCD Prevention and Control.

Secured accountability for NCDs

Supported the adoption of a comprehensive set of nine global NCD targets and 25 indicators, including the historic target to reduce overall mortality from NCDs by 25% by 2025 (the ‘25 by 25’ target). These are the first set of time-bound targets on NCDs and will encourage governments to honour their commitments and improve data collection and surveillance on NCDs.

Pioneered multisectoral partnerships for NCDs

In recognition that NCDs are everyone’s business and demand multisectoral action, the NCD Alliance has proven that transparency, inclusiveness and innovative partnerships are both possible and powerful for NCDs. 

Positioned NCDs as a priority in the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development

Campaigned for strong reference to NCDs at the UN Conference on Sustainable Development (Rio+20) in June 2012 and secured a stand-alone target on NCDs and other NCD-related targets in the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

Cultivated the emergence of a network of national and regional NCD alliances

Testament to both the demand for and effectiveness of this unified approach to NCD advocacy is the emergence of a network of over 55 national and regional NCD alliances around the world. NCD Alliance convened this network for the first time at the inaugural Global NCD Alliance Forum in Sharjah, UAE in 2015 and then again in 2017 and 2019.