In 2017, NCDA made an important step forward, evolving from an informal alliance to a stand-alone NGO registered in Switzerland with a President, Board of Directors and consolidated membership base.
As part of this transition, NCDA will gradually be restricting access to our services to NCDA members only. Webinars, for instance, will be accessible to NCDA members only following the UN High-Level Meeting on NCDs, on 27 September.
Why become an NCDA member?
NCDA membership structure helps create a sense of community and solidarity with like-minded organisations committed to advancing the global NCD agenda: a world where everyone has the opportunity for a healthy life, free from the preventable suffering, stigma, disability and death caused by NCDs.
When you become a member of NCDA, you help build the reach of a global network that extends across more than 170 countries.
Through your membership, you grow and strengthen our collective potential and power to drive change and effective action on NCDs across global regions and development sectors. In this way, you help activate and strengthen civil society’s capacity to connect global and local issues and the actors striving to address them.
Visibility, networking and governance
Members access a range of benefits designed to enhance visibility, networking, and information-sharing to support their work. Joining gives you access to various channels and platforms for deeper engagement between partners and allies working on similar themes or sharing similar challenges, but also to a number of thematic, interest-based or regional sub-networks of the NCD community. In addition, members play a key role in NCDA governance:

Who can become a member?
NCDA membership is open to international, regional and national civil society organisations engaged in NCDs; to organisations working across and within the NCD community; and to broader global health and development organisations that have a specific and dedicated focus on NCDs.
Please note that businesses, foundations and governments can become partners of NCDA but not members.
Membership Categories
NCDA offers the following membership categories:
Full membership is available to organisations, networks or entities that are substantially engaged in evidence-based NCD advocacy and practice, and wish to play an active role in NCDA’s governance;
Associate membership is available to organisations, networks or entities that support NCDA objectives and activities.
To receive our weekly newsletter, interested organisations can become network members (free of charge).
In addition to receiving our weekly newsletter, network members may access recordings of webinars one month after they have taken place, and can be displayed on the membership directory, by name and location.
Membership Fees
Membership fees depend on the membership category and on the income level of the country where the member organisation is based. Our aim is to open membership to the widest possible community.
Please do not hesitate to contact us at membership@ncdalliance.org if you have any questions regarding our memberships. We look forward to receiving your applications soon!