UN General Assembly (UNGA 79) High-Level Side-Event
On the sidelines of the 79th UN General Assembly and the third Global NCD Compact Heads of State and Government annual meeting, and just 12 months ahead of the fourth UN High-Level Meeting on NCDs in 2025, NCDA and WHO will convene a multistakeholder event to focus on tackling inequities in NCDs through multistakeholder action.
The NCD burden may be universal, but it shines a glaring light on deeply engrained inequities both across and within countries. An estimated 82% of premature deaths from NCDs occur in low- and lower-middle-income countries, and the poor in all countries are the hardest hit.
As with any complex systemic challenge, tackling inequities in NCD prevention and care demands leadership, action and collaboration across multiple sectors well beyond health and across a range of stakeholders from governments, international organisations, civil society and communities (particularly people living with NCDs), academia, foundations and relevant private sector.
Only with a clear commitment across all stakeholders to tackle NCD inequities and by approaching policies, decision-making, health systems, programmes, research and M&E with a strong equity lens will we leave noone behind in the NCD response.
In this light, we are pleased to invite you to join us for a discussion on the sidelines of UNGA79 where we will:
- Discuss and build consensus on the key inequities within NCD prevention and care globally and within countries, to focus advocacy efforts towards the UN High-Level Meeting on NCDs in 2025.
- Explore the role that different stakeholders such as governments, multilateral organizations, people living with NCDs, relevant private sector, civil society and grassroots organisations can play in alleviating inequities in NCD prevention and care.
- Showcase best practice solutions, policies, programmes and partnerships that are making a difference to leave noone behind.
This event is made possible thanks to the support from Viatris