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  • NCDA Position Statement: Delays, No Accountability or Time Commitments for UN Summit is No Commitment at All

    Press Releases  |  11th August 2011

    The NCD Alliance, a global coalition of organizations from over 170 countries focusing on non-communicable diseases (NCDs), is gravely concerned that international progress on NCDs is at serious risk with recent efforts to postpone negotiations, while blocking accountability measures and time based targets in the UN Political Declaration on NCDs ahead of the September High-Level Meeting (HLM) on the prevention and control of NCDs. 


  • Less than 100 days to the Summit: A perspective

    Announcements  |  27th July 2011

    IDF President Jean Claude Mbanya, looks at what IDF and the NCD Alliance hope to achieve from the UN Summit on NCDs, in an editorial Less than 100 days to the UN Summit published in the July issue of “Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice”, Official Journal of the International Diabetes Federation.

  • Alzheimer's Disease International joins NCD Alliance UN Summit Partners Group

    Announcements  |  20th July 2011

    The NCD Alliance has welcomed Alzheimer’s Disease International (ADI) as a member of the UN Summit Partners Group UNSPG. "Being a part of the Alliance is hugely important to ADI and we very much look forward to working alongside our fellow members of the Steering Group in the lead-up to the Summit in September, " said Marc Wortmann, Executive Director, Alzheimer’s Disease International. "We hope that our involvement will begin a successful process that will see an improved life for people with dementia and their carers across the world."

  • Advances in Tobacco Control Heralded by NCD Advocates

    Announcements  |  11th July 2011

    The NCD Alliance joined other advocates for public health in welcoming the news about measureable gains in tobacco control announced in The WHO Report on the Global Tobacco Epidemic released on 7 July in Montevideo, Uruguay.

  • WHO Summary of the Informal Interactive Civil Society Hearing - available now!

    Announcements  |  30th June 2011

    WHO Summary of 16 June Interactive Civil Society Hearing. Pursuant to operative paragraph 10 of resolution 65/238 of 24 December 2010 entitled “Scope, modalities, format and organization of the High-level Meeting of the General Assembly on the Prevention and Control of Non-communicable Diseases”, an informal interactive hearing with non-governmental organizations, civil society organizations, the private sector and academia was held on 16 June 2011. The propose of this meeting was to provide an input to the preparatory process for the High-level Meeting.

  • Standing united at the Civil Society Interactive Hearing

    Announcements  |  27th June 2011

    Call for participation of Heads of State at the UN Summit.

  • NCD Alliance calls for Inclusion of Children in NCD outcomes

    Announcements  |  27th June 2011

    The NCD Alliance has called for children and adolescents not to be overlooked in the final outcom

  • Agitate, educate, integrate and communicate!

     |  24th June 2011

    Sir George Alleyne - Closing Comments at UN Civil Society Interactive Hearing on NCDs My first words must be of thanks to the President of the General Assembly for the invitation to participate in this important hearing. I also wish to thank the Task Force and the NCD Alliance as well as the World Health Organization for their support.