An Interview Series with Sir George Alleyne
A series of interviews with Sir George Alleyne produced by Arogya World on cross cutting NCD issues including Sustainability, Women, Child Health and other key issues
Face Up To It
An animated video released at the UN Summit on NCDs by NCD Alliance Partners LIVESTRONG asking you to join the movement.
Stop NCDs
Produced by the Commonwealth Secretariat, with technical input from the UK Young Professional Chronic Disease Network
Unite in the Fight: The UN Summit on NCDs
An animated video released by the World Health Organization.
Delivering Hope
A short documentary featuring interviews with key leaders and examples of successful NCD programs in developing countries.
Interview with Ann Keeling, Chair of the NCD Alliance and CEO of the International Diabetes Federation
Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) An inteview on key issues for the upcoming UN High Level Meeting in September.
An animated video on the UN Summit from LIVESTRONG.
Spotlighting the NCD Problem
A short animated video by the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS)explaining what NCDs are, who they affect, and the importance of the upcoming UN High Level Meeting in September.
Act on Diabetes. Now.
An animated video from the International Diabetes Federation (IDF).
Unite In the Fight Against NCDs
World Health Organization This films describes the issues, challenges and opportunities to scale up international action against NCDs with a special focus on the September 2011 UN Summit on NCDs.
Calling the world to action on diabetes: an advocacy toolkit International Diabetes Federation
Additional Languages Stop the Global Epidemic of Chronic Disease: A practical guide to successful advocacy World Health Organization http://www.who.int/entity/chp/advocacy/chp.manual.EN-webfinal.pdf
Advocacy Posters World Health Organization http://www.who.int/chp/advocacy/posters/en/index.html
NCD Fact Sheets World Health Organization http://www.who.int/chp/chronic_disease_report/information_sheets/en/index.html
Media Briefs World Health Organization http://www.who.int/entity/chp/advocacy/MediaFeatures_EN_web.pdf
Developing Effective Coalitions: an eight step guide The Prevention Institute
12 Basic Guidelines for Campaign Strategy by Chris Rose http://www.campaignstrategy.org/
CARE Advocacy Tools and Guidelines Care International http://www.care.org/getinvolved/advocacy/tools.asp