
Breaking analysis, expert opinion and stories from the NCD Alliance network.

Find here high quality analysis on NCD policy issues and good practices; as well as stories from our civil society network work to reverse the NCD epidemic. The views expressed here are solely the authors' own and do not necessarily represent the views of the NCD Alliance.


  • A global NCD movement has no borders!

    19th April 2018

    Susanne Volqvartz was the founder of the Danish NCD Alliance, which worked to foster north-south collaboration between NCD CSOs. She shares her post-retirement reflections in this blog.

  • NCDs: We have had enough. Have you?

    28th March 2018

    "We have had enough. We must be clear and unified in action. Together we are stronger - we can and we will beat NCDs." Learn more about the new ENOUGH. campaign focused on the 2018 UN HLM on NCDs.

  • 2018 is the year to stand together against NCDs and TB

    23rd March 2018

    24 March is World TB Day. This is an ideal day to shine a light not only on TB, but also on the links between TB and NCDs. These two epidemics need an integrated response if we are to beat them. 

  • Women’s kidney health: collaborations for gender-sensitive policies

    06th March 2018

    Women face major issues when it comes to kidney health. This blog, coinciding with World Kidney Day & International Women's Day, makes an urgent call to policy makers to implement gender-sensitive policies.

  • Youth as the voice of the masses

    12th February 2018

    Vindhya Vatsyayan came to the 2nd Global NCD Alliance Forum as a youth delegate, eager to learn how to better represent the voices of those who suffer NCDs in silence. Today she is using the knowledge and inspiration to do just that.

  • Injustice of access abyss in palliative care and pain relief - a global health failing

    03rd February 2018

    World Cancer Day is an opportunity to call for the global health community to respond to the ethical imperative to expand access to prevention, treatment, survivorship, rehabilitation and palliation for cancer and other conditions causing pain and suffering.

  • How the international cancer community is preparing for World Cancer Day 2018

    01st February 2018

    World Cancer Day takes place every year on 4 February and is the single initiative under which the world can unite to raise the profile of cancer in a positive and inspiring way.  

  • The value of youth in the fight against NCDs

    17th January 2018

    Margaret Osolo Odhiambo joined the 2nd Global NCD Alliance Forum as a youth delegate. Here she shares her reflections and reinforces the immense value that youth add to the NCD movement.