
Breaking analysis, expert opinion and stories from the NCD Alliance network.

Find here high quality analysis on NCD policy issues and good practices; as well as stories from our civil society network work to reverse the NCD epidemic. The views expressed here are solely the authors' own and do not necessarily represent the views of the NCD Alliance.


  • Taking steps towards reaching youth and improving health

    31st October 2018

    When a 2012 STEPS survey on NCD risk factors in Tanzania revealed that prevalence of risk factors had markedly grown, it was a call to action for NCD civil society. 

  • One month on from the HLM: cliff edge or springboard?

    24th October 2018

    Nina Renshaw hit the ground running when she joined NCDA as Director of Policy and Advocacy. Here she shares some observations in the first of a series of blogs reflecting on developments since the UN HLM.  

  • Do we have the ammunition to beat stroke and NCDs together?

    15th October 2018

    Prof Bo Norrving writes on the value of a more coordinated effort to reduce the burden of stroke and NCDs on individuals and society, by identifying common gaps and collective actions.

  • Mobilising civil society to scale up national NCD responses

    10th October 2018

    Read what Sir Trevor Hassell, President of the Healthy Caribbean Coalition said on a multistakheholder panel at the UN HLM on NCDs on 27 September on how to mobilise civil society to scale up national NCD responses.

  • Ending weight stigma and discrimination; a priority for all

    09th October 2018

    To coincide with World Obesity Day's weight stigma theme this 11 October, Stuart Flint explains why weight stigma and discrimination is a priority, and how we can all look at what we can do to improve the narrative. 

  • No Turning Back: Charting opportunities to invigorate and intensify the NCD response

    26th September 2018

    At an NCDA event held in New York on 26 Sep. ahead of the third UN HLM on NCDs, CEO Katie Dain spoke on the opportunities she sees to strengthen the NCD response. This blog reflects her remarks.

  • Where's the money for NCDs

    24th September 2018

    Who will stand up and be the ‘noncommunicable diseases marathon runner’, someone who can break free of the current sluggishness and inaction in dealing with these devastating diseases?

  • Suicide; devastating, common and preventable

    10th September 2018

    To mark World Suicide Prevention Day 2018 on 10 September, psychiatrist Julian Eaton writes on a topic that is often taboo, to raise awareness, recognition and policy priority, and to help reduce a scourge that affects too many people.